Friday, May 31, 2019
The Single Life :: essays research papers
The Single LifeA typical single Person in the media is commonly portrayed incorrectly in my opinion. They atomic number 18 shown living daily with basically no worries. If they were burdened with some(a)thing, it is not significant, and is usually ridiculously non-important. An example is that they only seemed to be worried with is purpose dates. If that is the worst thing I have to be worried with when Im older, then Im not too scared closely getting older or being single. On many T.V. shows the main focus of an episode has to do with a guy looking for a girlfriend, or girl looking for a boyfriend. That doesnt happen in real life. I mean sure people look for dates of to get hooked up, still it doesnt occupy their whole mindset.It seems that on T.V. single people have no responsibilities. They always focus on insignificant materialistic things. Clothing, jewelry, and money are the main topic of discussion or concern. Single people seem quite independent on shows. They appear fr ee to run around freely, burdenless by commitment. On Friends they seem to have plenty of time to sit around and talk about things all day long. And of course there is Seinfield, the last show about absolutely nothing. None of them are married, but they are portrayed as living perfectly happy with the smallest of problems. They are portrayed usually as sexually active, and make it seem ok to sleep around. Almost every T.V. show has someone sleeping with another person. It is made into a laughter to be a tramp. T.V. has gone from Leave it to Beaver where the parents slept in separate beds, to now where unmarried couples and strangers sleep togetherI think this is a hazardous example for the single people of our society. It sets the tone that people will be ok if theyre single. Of course the world will not end if some people are single, but we want to strive to have people married.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Importance of Airline Safety Essay -- Airlines Airplanes Aviation
The Importance of Airline Safety Many people travel by wrinkleplane all around the world. For some people it is the only way they can get to where they be going. On a daily basis, averages of 28 to 30,000 sit are filled on airplanes (Bear, Stearns Co. uniform resource locator At each airport, there are hundreds of arrivals and departures worldwide. Even though airline officials say flying is safe, accidents kill many an(prenominal) people because airlines neglect to prevent human error or repair faulty equipment. Sometimes I think the only reason an airplane could force is if something on the plane were to break. However, most of the time that is not the case. A survey conducted by Boeing found that flight crews were responsible for at least seventy-three portion of all fatal airplane accidents. (Gray 17). Forty-one percent of these accidents occurred during landing because of unstable approaches. Also an investigation by the National Aer onautics and Space Administration on the causes of airline accidents revealed that more than eighty percent of all airline accidents involved some degree of human error (Helmreich 62). This is precise alarming when people are putting their lives in the hands of flight crews. Forty-four passengers died aboard a new British Midland 737 after its crew shut down the misuse engine after the other one malfunctioned (Greenwald 40). Do you really think that flying on an airplane, over which you arouse absolutely no control is very safe? Reasons for flight crew error can be explained by the conditions under which they are flying. Flight crew fatigue is a largely change magnitude problem on many of the jumbo jet flights today. Although there are laws that prohibit cockpit crews from sleeping in flight, there have been many weary pilots that have been known to nod off on occasion during some of their seventeen hour, non-stop flights (Urquhart 15). Perhaps laws should regulate the number of hours a flight crew is in the air instead of prohibiting sleep in flight. Another condition, alcohol abuse, has been found to inhibit the abilities of some flight crews. A northwest crew flying from North Dakota to manganese was found to be intoxicated on the job (Air Safety 61). Some people refuse to drive at night because of the number of rum drivers on the road. Would passengers want a drunken pilot to be responsible for their... ... since the 1960s (Shrontz 40). Getting to some places throughout the world depend solely on air travel therefore, people must trust their lives to flight crews, safety inspectors, and maintenance crews and believe that all problems are being addressed and corrected.Bibliography 1.Bear, Stearns, Co. Internet Connection. URL www.hotelonline.com2.Air Safety. conviction Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Business Notes.26 March 1990 61.3.Gray, Paul. Our Regularly Scheduled Crash Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Grapevine. 20 August 1990 17.4.Greenwald, John. Tarnished locomote. Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Business Notes. 13 March 1989 40.5.Helmreich, R.L. Managing Human Error in Aviation. Scientific American. May 199762.6.Nelan, Bruce W. Are 747s Safe To Fly. Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Europe. 19 October 1992 52.7.New Qualms about the DC-10. Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Nation. 7 August 198920.8.Urquhart, Sidney. This is Your Captain Snoring Time Magazine. Compact Publishing, Inc. Grapevine. 7 October 1991 15.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Shakespeares Hamlet †Ophelia Discussed Essays -- GCSE English Litera
Hamlet Ophelia Discussed Courtney Lehmann and Lisa S. Starks in Making Mother Matter Repression, Revision, and the lay on the line of Reading Psychoanalysis Into Kenneth Branaghs Hamlet make a statement regarding the effect of Ophelias words, even though she was considered mad at the time Hamlets own disgust toward the torso and sexual behaviour, coupled with Ophelias erotically-charged songs, did not suddenly become about sexuality after Freud. On the contrary, censorship of the play in performance during various diachronic time periods indicates that the tragedy has always been perceived of as highly erotic, and often dangerously so. Even in the context of twentieth-century interpretations of Hamlet, critics have been reluctant to engage in genuine confrontations with the problem of the plays sexuality and its underlying anxiety. For this reason, Jacqueline Rose has claimed that critics writing on Hamlet, beginning with T. S. Eliot, have conflated their puzzlement over the play with the Western notion of womanhood as the be atomic number 18r of an impenetrable secret. (2) Shakespeares tragedy, Hamlet, presents almost a dozen male characters for every one female character. The only prominent female characters are two Ophelia, Laertes sister and Polonius daughter and Gertrude, the queen and wife of Claudius and mother of Hamlet. This essay will explore the character, role, and importance of Ophelia. The protagonist of the tragedy, Prince Hamlet, initially appears in the play dress in solemn black, mourning the death of his father supposedly by snakebite while he was away at Wittenberg as a student. Hamlet laments the sharp remarriage of his mother to his fathers brother, an incestuous act thus in his first soliloqu... ...akes of Reading Psychoanalysis Into Kenneth Branaghs Hamlet. Early Modern Literary Studies 6.1 (May, 2000) 2.1-24 http// Pennington, Michael. Ophelia Madness Her Only fail-safe Haven. Readings on Ham let. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. From Hamlet A Users Guide. New York Limelight Editions, 1996. Pitt, Angela. Women in Shakespeares Tragedies. Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego Greenhaven Press, 1996. Rpt. from Shakespeares Women. N.p. n.p., 1981. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts fetch of Technology. 1995. http// Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. Shakespeare. Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.
Breaking Barriers: An Intersection of the Institution and the Information Superhighway :: Essays Papers
Breaking Barriers An Intersection of the Institution and the Information SuperhighwayWhat it is all about Distance education. What is it? Barry Birnbaum has cited a feasible definition for it in his book, Foundations and Practices in the economic consumption of Distance Education. The definition is according to a study done by Moore and Kearsley in 1996. Birnbaum quotes, distance education is defined as planned learning that unremarkably occurs in a different place and requires a well-defined system of rescue that includes modified teaching techniques, alternative modes for communication (i.e. computers), as well as alternative administrative and organizational components. (Birnbaum, 2001, p. 1)1 Then, again in 1996, another researcher by the name of Keegan assigned 5 criteria in his definition of distance education. These 5 criteria are a.) Separation of teacher and learner throughout the learning process, b.) The influence of the organization in the planning and preparation of learning materials, c.) The use of technical media to unify teacher and learner, d.) The role of two-way communication, and e.) The separation of the learning group during the process. (Birnbaum, 2001, p. 2)2 Bearing these two definitions in mind, let us proceed. I. How it was all started A man named Isaac collier started the whole concept of distance education in England around 1840.(Birnbaum, 2001, p. 10)3 He wanted to create an opportunity for people to learn shorthand that would otherwise, not be able to do so due to work constraints or other everyday obligations. According to Birnbaum, since this period of time, the primary utilization of distance education has been in the field of foreign language. However, other institutions opt to employ distance education as well. For example, the armed services have found that technical training squirt be provided to a large number of military personnel in a cost-effe ctive manner through distance education course delivery modules. (Birnbaum, 2001, p. 11)4 Large corporations such as Best Buy also use e -learning in order to deliver quick, effective training to their employees in location of having an actual time reserved for training the employees.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The City of Londons Financial Services and Markets :: Essays Papers
The metropolis of capital of the United Kingdoms Financial Services and Markets1. The City of Londons pecuniary Services and MarketsThe City of London is one of the areas three leading financial centres, along with Tokyo and new-sprung(prenominal) York, and is by far the largest in Europe. While New York and Tokyo rely on very large domestic economies to fuel their business, Londons success can be attributed to its global business. Major financial institutions and markets in the City include the Bank of England, the London Stock Exchange, Lloyds insurance market, and the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange.1.1 Facts and figures of Britains financial services intentness There are more overseas banks in London than in any other city in the world 555 branches, subsidiaries and representative offices at the destruction of February 1999. Financial services account for almost 7 per cent of Britains Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Net overseas earnings of B ritains financial sector reached a record 25,200 million in 1997. The London Stock Exchange is the largest market in the world for trading foreign equities, accounting for 63 per cent of global turnover. London is one of the worlds three major international stick around centres. Some 70 per cent of international bond trading in the Euromarket take place there. It has by far the biggest foreign exchange market in the world, handling about 32 per cent of world(a) dealing, and with an average daily turnover, which is more than that of New York, and Tokyo combined. It is one of the worlds largest international insurance markets, with a leading share of aviation and ocean insurance. It is the largest fund management centre. It is the worlds most important centre for advice on privatisation.Supervision and regulation2. Financial markets2.1 The Stock ExchangeThis is one of the worlds oldest marketplaces for the buying and selling of shares, but its advanced trading systems mean it is also one of the most modern. It is the worlds leading marketplace for international shares more international companies choose to list in London than on any other exchange. It therefore plays a vital role in maintaining Londons position as a major financial centre.The main market is where most British and international shares are listed, while the Alternative investing Market (AIM), established in 1995, is for younger and fast-growing businesses.
The City of Londons Financial Services and Markets :: Essays Papers
The City of Londons Financial Services and Markets1. The City of Londons financial Services and MarketsThe City of London is one of the creations three conduct financial centres, along with Tokyo and New York, and is by faraway the largest in Europe. While New York and Tokyo rely on very large domestic economies to fuel their business, Londons success can be attributed to its international business. Major financial institutions and markets in the City include the Bank of England, the London standard Exchange, Lloyds insurance market, and the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange.1.1 Facts and figures of Britains financial services industry There be more foreign banks in London than in any other city in the world 555 branches, subsidiaries and representative offices at the end of February 1999. Financial services account for almost 7 per cent of Britains Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Net overseas earnings of Britains financial sector reached a record 2 5,200 million in 1997. The London Stock Exchange is the largest market in the world for duty foreign equities, accounting for 63 per cent of global turnover. London is one of the worlds three major international bond centres. Some 70 per cent of international bond trading in the Euromarket take place there. It has by far the biggest foreign exchange market in the world, handling intimately 32 per cent of worldwide dealing, and with an average daily turnover, which is more than that of New York, and Tokyo combined. It is one of the worlds largest international insurance markets, with a leading share of aviation and marine insurance. It is the largest fund management centre. It is the worlds most important centre for advice on privatisation.Supervision and regulation2. Financial markets2.1 The Stock ExchangeThis is one of the worlds oldest marketplaces for the buying and selling of shares, but its advanced trading systems mean it is also one of the most modern. It is th e worlds leading marketplace for international shares more international companies choose to list in London than on any other exchange. It therefore plays a alert role in maintaining Londons position as a major financial centre.The main market is where most British and international shares are listed, while the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), established in 1995, is for younger and fast-growing businesses.
Monday, May 27, 2019
John Locke Provisos
John Locke was an English philosopher who had the thinker that all people have natural rights. Their natural rights included that of life, conversancy and property and the idea of these rights being held by each individual(a) is often said to be the primary influence of the American Declaration of Independence. Locke further explains his rule behind natural rights in Two Treatises of Government and particularly property right in his Provisos, stating the conditions the make property public or private.Lockes Provisos discusses the idea that property becomes private when a person labors upon the property. His reasoning that the land becomes the persons private property is that a person has the right to the fruits of his labor, and he also has the right to the resource that bore his fruits, in this case the property. As Locke says, He by his labor does, as it were, enclose it from the common (page 437). By this he core that by laboring over the land, the land is taken away from t he rest of society, the common, and becomes the private property of the individual.Locke also believes that as much as a gentlemans gentleman tills, plants, improves, cultivates, and can use the merchandise of, so much is his property (page 437). In this, he is stating that a man can own as much as can be useful to him claiming property in excess and not being able to make it productive is wrong because the property will because go to waste instead of bearing fruit. This is wrong because nothing was do by God for man to spoil or destroy (page 436) and having land double-dealing to waste is along the same lines as ruining the land.This idea from Lockes Provisos follows from his idea of general property rights. He believes that land that has not been influenced by an individuals labor is land available for all of society. Man should still respect the land and not exploit it, but were it not for the corruption and misdeed of degenerate man, there would be no need of any other, no necessity that men should separate from this great and natural community (page 441).However because valet cannot be trusted, Locke believes that once a man does put forth effort to improve a piece of property, that land and the products of it buy the farm to him. Although that land might belong to one man, it is still benefiting the rest of society because the provisions serving to the support of human life produced by one acre of enclosed and cultivated land be ten times more than those which are yielded by an acre of land of an equal richness lying waste in common (page 437). This is similar to the way in which both a farmer and society benefits from his harvest.The farmer and society both can receive nourishment from his harvest and what harvest goes to the rest of society, he is repaid for, which allows him to stay put sowing seeds that will continue to nurture the common. A situation of private property that would conflict with one of the Lockean provisos is property that is acclaimed through forcing Native Americans to agree with the American customs duty that were being imposed and the American rule, or to leave, such as with the Indian Removal Act that was signed into law in 1830.The Native Americans had worked the land and made it suitable to support their lifestyle and in the quest to achieve Manifest Destiny, nothing would hinder the determined minds of the Americans. According to Locke, the land rightfully belonged to the Native Americans because they had push on the land to make it prosperous. They did not exploit it they used the resources wisely and nothing went to waste with their minimalist lifestyle. With the Indian Removal Act that President Andrew capital of Mississippi signed into effect, all Native Americans had to be relocated to areas west of the Mississippi River.The Native Americans were removed on the basis that American colonizers needed the land and wanted to achieve Manifest Destiny. Another situation involving private pro perty that would violate one of the Lockean provisos would be that of the government seizing land due to unpaid taxes. In this situation, a farmer could have yielded a giving harvest, but the demand for his crop declined greatly to the point that he is unable to make a large enough profit to pay his taxes.This could fall into a pattern for many years to come, eventually reaching the point that the government can no long-dated just keep putting the farmer into more debt. The farmer would have to claim bankruptcy and the government would seize his land. This would violate Lockes idea that the land a man works, is his. The farmer was doing the best he could, was benefiting society, and never consented to losing his right to his land, but the government took it away anyway.I believe that Locke correctly draws the line on private property because we have the right over our own bodies, and if the work of those bodies can combine with resources to create something, then we have the right to claim that product and the resources we used to make it. No one else put forth the effort and therefore the fruit of our efforts are ours. I believe that hard work deserves fix and that reward is the right to the product. As Locke says, The labor of his body and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his (page 436).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
IDEA – due process & procedural safeguards
Idea Due Process & A Procedural SafeguardsIDEA stresses the cardinal importance of the function of educational decision makers every(prenominal) bit good as heighten s in the affair of each single pupil s academic popular presentation. IDEA outlines the incumbent processions for a trail territorial dominion to implement an single educational plan, excessively known as an IEP. The first measure each territory must(prenominal) come after is to inform the advances of the pupil in inquiry. IDEA sets forth demands for state of matters and local educational bureaus ( school territories ) in supplying particular instruction and related services to kids with disablements, matures 3 through 21 ( US Dept. of Educ. , 2010, para.1 ) . The territory must besides supply a anterior written notice to the parents. At specified times, the school territory must supply parents with a procedural precautions notice which explains their rights under Part B of the IDEA. Prior to July 1, 2005 province and federal ordinances required school territories to supply the parent with a transcript of procedural precautions upon each presentment of an Individualized Education Program ( IEP ) meeting ( US Dept. of Educ. , 2010, para.1 ) .The typical province ordinance used immediately school territories merely require the proviso of procedural precautions statement to be given to the parent one clip per school twelvemonth, during initial referral for rating for pupils, besides on the day of the month to do any(prenominal) alterations to the pupils IEP, every bit good as a parental petition for any extra transcripts, and furthermore upon the first happening of the filing of a receivable surgical process perceive petition or kid ailment is another clip a parent impart go the precaution statement ( DESE, 2010, portion B parity. 2 ) . below 34 CFR AA300.503 ( degree Celsius ) , each single school territory must give parents a written in the native linguistic communica tion of the parent and dated when any opportunities are do in the instruction of the pupil. Under 34 CFR AA300.503 ( a ) the school territory must advise parents if a pupil is refused any educational services pending rating consequences. Taylor, S ( 2005 ) . essentially after eligibility is laid, parents are notified, and if in understanding, the IEP for the pupil will be developed and implemented. but concerns originate with parents and pedagogues of what is deemed appropriate for the single pupil.Typically a ailment made by either a parent or school decision maker deems a demand for a due procedure hearing. individually fellowship will show their grounds with an ample sum of factual information to make a decision of action. Parents and pedagogues will explicate their grudges in an appropriate mode. Parents and pedagogues will routinely mention back to the pupils IEP. If plaintiff makes a ailment that is non portion of the pupils IEP, typically the consequence will non be fav ourable for that peculiar party. Each party demands to hold grounds to back up their statement. The end is to convert the justice to do a inclination in favour of the grounds provided. The ailment must be caused by the school s actions, or deficiency of action, refering to the pupils educational public assistance, and/or if the pupil is non having educational benefit that is stated in IEP and without disciplinary steps, the pupil s instruction will be harmed.Each school territory must take appropriate steps, including the proviso of auxiliary AIDSs and services determined appropriate and necessary by the kid s IEP Team, to supply kids with disablements an equal chance for engagement in instruction.Section 300.308 requires that the IEP squads finding the eligibility for kids suspected of holding a learning disablement are to include the kid s parents a squad of qualified professionals including the kid s regular instruction instructor at least one individual qualified to carry o n single diagnostic scrutiny of kids, e.g. a school psychologist or reading specializer. Section 300.309 ( a ) a squad can happen that a kid has a learning disablement if the kid does nt accomplish adequately for the kid s age or does nt run into grade-level criterions.When difference declaration, mediation have non helped a due procedure hearing is the following measure to do a more explicit program of action refering to a pupils educational demands. What is due procedure? A due procedure hearing is normally an functionary, test between parents and school territories. Each party will be represented by their ain chosen council.Harmonizing to William B. nor shall any State deprive any individual of life, autonomy, or belongings, without due procedure of jurisprudence.Typically a parent or school functionary will convey a compliant to either party. The compliant will include a description of the issue and possible redresss to the job or alteration.Then the following measure is a resp onse, that is necessary within 10 yearss of reception of a due procedure petition the non-complaining party ( school or parent ) must direct a written response to the kicking party. Within 15 yearss, the hearing officer and the other parties must be notified in composing if the hearing notice is thought to be deficient. The hearing officer has 5 yearss to find the importance of the notice. Parents and members of the IEP squad meet to discourse and to seek and decide the ailments. Typically a hearing would be held within 15 yearss of reception of petition for hearing unless twain parties agree to travel to mediation or hold in composing to relinquish the hearing.In a Due Process Hearing, the Judge will do a determination based on testimony and facts submitted to the royal court on a finding of whether the pupil received a ( FAPE ) free and appropriate public instruction and/or whether a procedural misdemeanor occurred. Either party has the right to appeal the justice s determinati on to federal or province tribunal, or every bit far as the Supreme Court. The Due Process hearing can be financially dearly-won for all parties. The determination to bespeak a Due Process Hearing requires thoughtful consideration and should be contemplated merely after all other options have been exhausted.In the final stage a judgement is made and will necessitate one party to supply a service or pay a amount of funds to the other party. Sometimes the losing party feels victimized by the Court and refuses to pay or go on with the judgement made by the tribunal. These actions typically pop off to more struggle. An illustration of would be after the U. S. Supreme Court instance of Brown v. Board of Education, some Virginia school boards closed their schools. These school boards used massive opposition to avoid following with the determination.Harmonizing to Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 ( 1954 ) Resistance besides slowed execution of the Brown determination in schoo ls and led to many extra tribunal instances. For illustration, Prince Edward County, Virginia, closed all of its public schoolsaa for Whites every bit good as dismalsaa instead than incorporate.The most influential instance I researched was muck close to v. DES MOINES rail DIST. , 393 U.S. 503 ( 1969 ) . This instance focused on pupil have oning armbands in protest of the Vietnam War.Petitioners, three public school students in Des Moines, Iowa, were suspended from school for have oning black armbands to protest the Government s policy in Vietnam. They sought nominal amendss and an injunction against a ordinance that the respondents had promulgated censoring the erosion of armbands.However due to the insisting of pupils following in the political societal propaganda as their parents a choice of pupils fitting and decided to do a base by have oning armbands to school as a signifier of protest of the war. When word of this new sense of an anti-war message reached the school func tionaries, principals of the Des Moines schools on December 14, 1965, the school adopted a policy that any pupil have oning an armband to school would be asked to take it, and if he refused he would be suspended until he returned without the armband.The pupils were informed of the new school policy, yet ignored the warning.It upheld 393 U.S. 503, 505 the constitutionality of the school governments action on the land that it was sensible in order to forestall perturbation of school subject. 258 F. Supp. 971 ( 1966 ) .Harmonizing to TINKER v. DES MOINES SCHOOL DIST. , 393 U.S. 503 ( 1969 ) The District Court dismissed the ailment on the land that the ordinance was within the Board s power, despite the absence of any determination of significant intervention with the behavior of school activities. The District Court recognized that the erosion of an armband for the intent of showing certain positions is the type of symbolic act within the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. The decision of the school governments was sensible because it was based upon their fright of a perturbation from the erosion of the armbands.Another evoke point made by TINKER v. DES MOINES SCHOOL DIST. , 393 U.S. 503 ( 1969 ) Their divergence consisted merely in have oning on their arm a set of black fabric, non more than two inches broad. They wore it to exhibit their disapproval of the Vietnam belligerencies and their protagonism of a armistice, to do their positions known, and, by their illustration, to act upon others to follow them. They neither interrupted school activities nor sought to irrupt in the school personal businesss or the lives of others. They caused treatment outside of the schoolrooms, but no intervention with work and no upset. In the fortunes, our Fundamental law does non allow functionaries of the State to deny their signifier of look. In the terminal, the instance was to be a affair for the lower tribunals to find The instance was reversed and remanded. TINKER v. DES MOINES SCHOOL DIST. , 393 U.S. 503 ( 1969 ) . What is kindle is that merely 7 pupils of 18,000 disobeyed the new policy sing the armbands. Five pupils being from the Tinker household ages 8-15.Another instance that demonstrates the usage of due procedure in instruction is, West Virginia v. Barnette, supra, this Court held that under the First Amendment, the pupil in public school may non be compelled to toast the flag. Our job lies in the inelegant where pupils in the exercising of First Amendment rights collide with the regulations of the school governments. Another contention is the cost of the due procedure hearing. Parents and School Districts have to utilize the household go up eggs and or the school budget for lawyer fees, tribunal cost, and execution of either transit for pupils, new plans and or auxiliary AIDSs and learning resources for instructors. Parents worry about the preparation and experience of the instructors who are educating their kids. This is a important obstruction of trust and communicating that can be missing from both parties.Appraisal is critical in the early instruction of all pupils. The earlier any intercession can be performed the better a pupil will be to accomplish the tolerable scene with equals. The stairss involved include doing certain the pupil is eligible for services, find what the pupil deficiencys to be mensurated on, find what appraisal is best for the pupil, observe the pupil, evaluate and construe the findings, and so make a course of study that fits the pupils larning abilities best.Possible inquiries to remind an pedagogue during appraisal and observation is Does the kid have a need/deficiency in the accomplishment or ability? Does the kid have a get downing degree of accomplishment or ability? Or does the kid have a mastery degree of accomplishment or ability?
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Law of Diffusion of Gases
Thomas whole wheat flour studied the behavior of the dispersion of boastes of unequal densities when placed in tactile sensation with each other, using cinch as his control. He wanted to mathematically prove how the dispersal of the gas volumes was inversely proportional to the value of the density of the gas, beneath constant temperature and pressure.The significance of this prove was that in take to a reevaluation of the concept of the movement of matter, realizing that diffusion dealt with small immeasurable elements of matter, as opposed to large volumes of air, as perceived in the corpuscular speculation, shedding light into the study of the behavior and structure of matter. Grahams initial objective was to establish a numerical value regarding the gas density and its diffusiveness for ten different gases, establishing that the greater the gass density the smaller the value and rate of diffusiveness compared to air.He predicted that gases moved by diffusion when place d together in the form of minute volumes, were the heavier gas would tend to accumulate on one side while the luminosity gas displaced towards the denser gas until a uniform mixture was achieved. In light of this, he predicted that if controlling temperature and pressure he would achieve the gases to diffuse and establish a numerical value. However no hypothesis was established based on the limited information at their disposal of matter.However seeing how gases diffused proportionately disdain the aperture size, Graham perceived that diffusion dealt with minute particles as opposed to large volumes. The gass diffusion volume was achieved once the gas inside the decorate container was entirely replaced by external air, being this new volume the equivalent volume of diffusion. Once established the volume, he used his law of diffusion to nominate a numerical value and verify the exactness of his formula.This was achieved by observing the change in height of the level of mercury. T he use of a stucco batten channel containers was suitable to lessen the effect of gas absorption by the material and avoid the gass expansion or contraction when atmospheric conditions varied in addition to this the fact that temperature and pressure were kept constant meant the movement of the gases was because of simple diffusion and not by an external force.Using air as a unit measure, meant variations in duplicability of results due to the airs heterogeneous reputation making the experiment inconclusive. They used air as their measure unit since they did not have the technology to test the direct interaction of single separate samples of gases, being unable to study properly their behavior. This experiment was accurate when comparing the results with the theoretical values, and consistent to previous experimental observations.The results showed to be always below the theory value explained by means of their materials absorption nature and slight variations in conditions and i nstruments precision. Despite this Graham was able to establish a clear numerical relationship using equivalent diffusion volumes, however with slight exceptions to certain gases that had to be further tested. Grahams prediction of being density a factor, which determined the diffusiveness of gas, was corroborated at the sight that lighter gases than air such as hydrogen diffused more easily.In addition the accuracy of the results helped to determine the value of the gass gravity, which would further supply evidence for the study of matter. In addition the fact that intermixture of gases was achieved under controlled conditions, despite the size of contact surface, provided evidence of minute particle diffusion and led Graham to speculated further on the constituents of matter, not explained through the corpuscular theory, would lead to development of the colloid theory in the future.In conclusion this research paper showed that Graham verified a numerical value for the diffusion o f gases with varying densities. However Grahams observations led him to further speculate on the idea that diffusion was related to immeasurable elements, as opposed to sensible volumes. This paper provides valuable evidence on how the study and discovery of minute particles evolved as the corpuscular theory failed to explain the nature of matter.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Performance Management at Jet Food Services Essay
It is now the end of Sampadas first year as regional manager for park Food Services. As regional manager, Sampada supervises a total of ten districts, each of which has a manager responsible for sales and service to nodes in that area.Jet Food provides contract food function for hospitals, schools, colleges, business firms, and other institutions that need meals prepared on site but that do not wish to be responsible for operating such service. Jet Food Services hires all necessary kitchen employees, purchases all supplies, and prepares meals in accordance with specifications agreed on with nodes. The district manager is responsible for coordinating all customer activities. This includes planning, budgeting, hiring and supervising Jets on-site representative (customer service manager), customer satisfaction, and contract renegotiations.Sampada was recruited after years of experience as director of food services for a multicampus university. In that job, she had oversight responsi bility for the food services at several campuses. The Jet Food position offered an opportunity for continued growth and advancement.In her first year, Sampada has concentrated on getting to hunch over the district managers and the customers with whom they browse. She spent more than a week with each district manager and visited each customer with him or her. At this point, she steps comfortable with her job and the knowledge she has gained of both operations and personnel, and it is time to appraise the performance of the district managers and to schedule review meetings with these employees.Sampadas sagacity of Ranjan Ranjan is the longest term district manager in Sampadasregion. He completed less than wiz year of college, held several short term jobs, and then coupled Jet as a shift supervisor of the companys services at a large college. At present, he is completing cardinal years of employment with Jet. He has been a district manager for three years.In working with Ranjan, Sampadahas observed his strengths, along with some problems. Ranjan has a talent for working with people, Jet employees and customers alike. In fact, in his years with Jet, no customer he worked with has ever switched to a competitor. Many on-site supervisors recruited, trained, and supervised by Ranjan have gone(a) on to become managers of other districts.On the other hand, Ranjans unhealthy eating habits despite doctors warnings have contributed to some serious medical difficulties. During the past year, Ranjan was out of work for three months with gallbladder and heart problems, attributable in part to obesity. And Ranjans behaviour towards others can be overbearing. Sampada kept track of her phone calls from district managers during the year, and on that point were more calls (or messages) from Ranjan than from the other nine district managers taken together calls to promote or advertise his own efforts.Although Ranjan can be charming, he has started to be deafening and r ude with regional personnel whom he perceives as excessively rule oriented. All in all, Ranjans style and appearance have become in all different from what Sampada is accustomed to in colleagues and employees.Further, it has been announced that Sampadas region is going to be expanded and that a new position, that of assistant regional manager pull up stakes be created. Ranjan has made it clear that as Jets longest tenured district manager in the region, he feels entitled to this promotion. However, Sampada does not feel she could work with Ranjan as the assistant regional manager. She feels that their management styles are too different and that Ranjans behaviour might irritate regional and corporate personnel.As Sampada looks over Jets performance assessment and management instrument, she realises that her honest assessment of Ranjans performance in his current job is generally excellent. She glances at the last page of the assessment and management form and the overall ratings from which she will have to choose. Jets overall rating system is on a 1-10 scale, with 10 as outstanding 7-9, different degrees of excellent performance 5-6, satisfactory 3-4, below average and 1-2, unacceptable. Sampada is uncertain as to what overall rating to accord. If she gives Ranjan too naughty a rating, he will expect to be promoted. If the rating is too low, Ranjan will doubtless be angry, feeling that an injustice has been done.Ranjans Self-Assessment and Management Ranjan sees himself as different from the other district managers. An outgoing, gregarious type, he loves to visit his customer locations and work with his companys personnel. His idea of a successful day is one spent teaching a customer service manager a new operating procedure or management technique. In fact, Ranjan is known to knock over up his sleeves and teach Jet employees a new recipe or how to improve an existing dish.Ranjan has worked for several district managers and has always liked to keep them aware about his activities, sometimes phoning two or three times a day. From discussions with Sampada, he is aware that she thinks many of these calls are not necessary, but he wants her to know how things are going with his employees and customers. He is also aware of Sampadas views regarding his ignoring medical advice.Ranjan is proud of his career and of what he has been able to do without much higher education. He feels he is qualified to become a regional manager, and he looks forward to the possibility of promotion to the new assistant regional manager position as a step toward this ultimate goal.Ranjans Assessment Rating In reviewing the situation, Sampada decides to give Ranjan an overall rating of 6. She feels justified, given that Ranjan did miss months of work as a result of neglecting his health. She knows that Ranjan will expect a higher overall rating, but she is prepared to stand behind her evaluation. Sampada then goes back to considering the separate ratings she w ill assign and to making plans for their feedback review.Questions1 How would you describe Sampadas approach to the assessment and management of Ranjans performance?2 Are Sampadas concerns with Ranjans performance veritable? Will Ranjan have justifiable reasons for feeling dissatisfied with the assessment and management results?
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Academic Performance of Working Students
CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technological sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated intimacy, skills and values from one generation to another. Education is universally recognized as a original building block for human development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty, and is a powerful driver for development of individuals and societyimproving health, gender equality, peace, and stability.The Commission on Higher Education (CHED 1995) states that higher education is primarily bridge between the world of l gulling and the world of work industrialization has increased the demand for more differentiated skills. The Laguna State Polytechnic University System has been founded to help each student to develop into a total person who is well equipped with knowledge and skills one who fits the modern world of technologies and one who is ready and capable to meet the challenges of life.A bachelors of science degree in Hotel and Restaurant care (HRM) will provide with all the skills needed to success in a wide variety of hospitality management careers. The program allows the students to understand the principles involved in leading a winning hospitality organization. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to practice these principles in applied courses and through an internship. It heap differentiate the degree program to fit the career field that most interested one.The career hotel and restaurant management concept deal with the preparation for gainful and successful and satisfying life and equip them with knowledge and social relations as well as manipulative skills in developing impotent attitudes and values in work is the aim of hotel and restaurant management course in general. Employment is a contract between two parties, one universe the employer and the other being the employee.An employee may be defined as A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, spoken or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed. Blacks Law Dictionary Working students can be categorized into two groups those who primarily identify themselves as students but who work in order to ante up the bills and those who are first and foremost workers who besides take some college classes.Almost two-thirds of undergrads who work consider themselves students who work the other third consider themselves workers who study. CHED said working students today are mostly into pabulum service, entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints as library and research assistants. CHED advised working students to get jobs that are not that demanding and that are more closely think to their courses. Working students are ubiquitous in higher education.Students are more likely to work than they are to live on campus, to study full time, to mind a four-year college or university, or to apply for or receive financial aid. Students work regardless of the type of institution they attend, their age or family responsibilities, or flat their family income or educational and living expenses. Working while enrolled is perhaps the single most common major activity among in all diverse undergraduate population.Most of the remaining two-thirds of working students state that their primary reason for working is to pay tuition, fees, and living expenses, with upper-income students more likely to work in order to earn spending money or gain job experience. It is difficult to understand the role that work may play in helping dependent students pay for college because income and educational expenses do not appear to significantly influence the likelihood that students will work, t he amount that they work, or the amount that they earn.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Advertising †the Main Cause of Unhealthy Eating Habits Essay
Nowadays, the advertisement is becoming so vast. Everybody in our society watching TV or meddlesome additional information on internet and every day we meet with advertising. Generally, advertising plays an irreplaceable role in luring people to buy food and frankincense contributes to unhealthy eating habits. However, advertising is not the main purpose of these unhealthy eating habits. There argon others factors to buy unhealthy eating habits, such as, increase stress of work, less time for taking a good meal. Therefore Im in disagreement with the statement. Firstly, people every time are in a fast rhythm of life, they hasten of their work at the morning, than searching a little period of time to have a dejeuner and after hardworking day they hasten to their homes to have a little rest, in this regard, coming home, they gorge on the night, which has also a very prominent effect on the body.So some people gradually form a habit of eating a lot of food merely to close up their st omach when they are not really hungry. This is something like a defense response of body. I believe, nowadays, people form bad eating habits partly owe to the hurry in their daily life. The second cause of malnutrition is a wrong concept of healthy eating. Many of the girls trying to be thin restrict themselves from pleasant and calorie products, but also from the products that can actually be very healthy. Accordingly, one crucial cause of unhealthy eating habits is the wrong concept of sweetie in modern society rather than advertisements. In conclusion, advertising is not the main cause of unhealthy eating habits. Working stress, wrong concept of beauty and lack of time for dinners also lead to unhealthy eating habits.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Return: Midnight Chapter 13
Elena, sleeping serenely with 1 hand locked onto Stefans, knew she was having an extraordinary dream. No, non a dream an proscribed-of-body experience. provided it wasnt want her previous out-of-body visits to Stefan in his cel . She was skimming done the air so quickly that she couldnt hearty y make out what was below her.She looked around and suddenly, to her astonishment, another type appe atomic number 18d beside her.becomingshe verbalize or rather tried to say. But of course in that location was no sound. Bonnie looked corresponding a transparent edition of herself. As if someone had created her out of blown glass, and then put in just the faintest tint of color in her bull and eyeball.Elena tried telepathy. Bonnie?Elena Oh, I miss you and Meredith so much Im stuck here in a hole A hole? Elena could hear the panic in her own telepathy. It made Bonnie wince.Not a strong hole. A dive. An inn, I guess, nevertheless Im locked in and they only feed me twice a solar day and make water me to the toilet once My God How did you get there?Well Bonnie hesitated. I guess it was my own fault.It doesnt matter How long brook you been there, exactly?Um, this is my second day. I cerebrate. there was a pause. Then Elena utter, Well, a couple of days in a bad place can seem like forever.Bonnie tried to make her case clearer. Its just that Im so bored and lonely. I miss you and Meredith so much she repeated.I was thinking of you and Meredith, too, Elena said.But Merediths there with you, isnt she? Oh my God, she didnt fall, too? Bonnie blurted.No, no She didnt fall. Elena couldnt decide whether to tel Bonnie about Meredith or not. Maybe not just yet, she thought.She couldnt see what she was rushing toward, although she could feel that they were slowing down. raft you see anything?Hey, yeah, below us Theres a car Should we go down?Of course. Can we hold hands?They found that they couldnt, but that just trying to unplowed them closer together. In another moment they were sinking through the roof of a smal car.Hey Its Alaric Bonnie said.Alaric Saltzman was Merediths engaged-to-be-engaged boyfriend. He was about twenty-three now, and his sandy-blond hair and hazel eyes hadnt changed since Elena had seen him almost ten months ago. He was a parapsychologist at Duke, exhalation for his doctorate.Weve been trying to get hold of him for ages, Bonnie said.I know. Maybe this is the way were supposed to run into him.W here is he supposed to be again?Some weird place in Japan. I forget what its called, but look at the map on the passenger seat.She and Bonnie intermingled as they did, their ghostly forms passing righteousness through each other.Unmei no Shima The Island of Doom, was written at the top of an lineation of an island. The map beside him had a large red X on it with the caption The Field of penalise Virgins.The what? Bonnie asked indignantly. Whats that mean?I dont know. But look, this fog is real fog. And its raining.And this r oad is terrible.Bonnie dove outside. Ooh, so weird. The rains going right through me. And I dont think this is a road.Elena said, Come cover version in and look at this. There arent any other cities on the island, just a name. Dr. Celia Connor, forensic pathologist.Whats a forensic pathologist?I think, Elena said, that they investigate murders and things.And they dig up bloodless people to find out why they died.Bonnie shuddered. I dont think I like this very much.Neither do I. But look outside. This was a village once, I think.There was almost nothing left of the vil age. Just a few ruins of wooden buildings that were obviously rotting, and some tumbledown, blackened stone structures. There was one large building with an enormous bright yel ow tarp over it.When the car reached this building, Alaric skidded to a stop, grabbed the map and a smal suitcase, and dashed through the rain and the Great Compromiser to get under cover. Elena and Bonnie fol owed.He was met near the entranc e by a very young black muliebrity, whose hair was cut short and shine around her elfin face.She was smal , not even Elenas height. She had eyes dancing with excitement and white, even teeth that made for a Hol ywood smile.Dr. Connor?Alaric said, looking awed.Meredith isnt going to like this, Bonnie said.Just Celia, please,the woman said, winning his hand. Alaric Saltzman, I presume.Just Alaric, please Celia.Meredith real y isnt going to like this, Elena said.So youre the spook investigator,Celia was saying below them. Well, we necessitate you. This place has spooks or did once. I dont know if theyre stil here or not.Sounds inte looseninging.More like sad and morbid. Sad and weird and morbid. Ive excavated al split ups of ruins, especial y those where theres a chance of genocide. And Il tel you This island is unlike any place I chip in ever seen,Celia said.Alaric was already pul ing things from his case, a thick stack of papers, a smal camcorder, a notebook. He morose on th e camcorder, and looked through the viewfinder, then propped it up with some of the papers. When he manifestly had Celia in focus, he grabbed the notebook too.Celia looked amused. How many ways do you need to take down information?Alaric tapped the side of his head and shook it sadly. As many as possible. Neurons are beginning to go.He looked around. Youre not the only one here, are you?Except for the janitor and the guy who ferries me back to Hokkaido, yes. It started out as a normal expedition there were fourteen of us. But one by one, the others have died or left. I cant even re-bury the specimens the girls weve excavated.And the people who left or died from your expedition Well, at first people died. Then that and the other spooky stuff made the rest leave. They were frightened for their lives.Alaric frowned. Who died first?Out of our expedition? Ronald Argyl . Pottery specialist. He was examining both jars that were found Well, Il skip that story until later. He fel off a ladder and broke his neck.Alarics eyebrows went up. That was spooky?From a guy like him, whos been in the business for almost twenty years yes.Twenty years? Maybe a heart ack-ack? And then off the ladder boom.Alaric made a downward gesture.Maybe thats the way it was. You may be able to explain al our little mysteries for us.The cleverness woman with the short hair dimpled like a tomboy. She was dressed like one too, Elena realized Levis and a blue and white shirt with the sleeves rol ed up over a white camisole.Alaric gave a little start, as if hed realized he was guilty of staring. Bonnie and Elena looked at each other over his head.But what happened to al the people who lived on the island in the first place? The ones who built the houses?Well, there never were that many of them in the first place.Im guessing the place may even have been named the Island of Doom before this disaster my team was investigating. But as far as I could find out it was a sort of war a civil war. Between the children and the adults.This time when Bonnie and Elena looked at each other, their eyes were both wide. Just like home Bonnie began, but Elena said, Sh. Listen.A civil war between kids and their parents?Alaric repeated slowly. Now that is spooky.Well, its a process of elimination. You see, I like graves, constructed or just holes in the ground. And here, the inhabitants dont appear to have been invaded. They didnt die of famine or drought there was stil plenty of grain in the granary. There were no signs of il ness. Ive come to believe that they all killed one another parents kil ing children children kil ing parents.But how can you tel ?You see this square-ish area on the periphery of the vil age?Celia pointed to an area on a larger map than Alarics. Thats what we cal The Field of Punished Virgins.Its the only place that has careful y constructed actual graves, so it was made early in what became a war. Later, there was no time for coffins or no one who cared. So far weve excavated twenty-two female children the eldest in her late teens.Twenty-two girls? Al girls?Al girls in this area. Boys came later, when coffins were no longer universe made. Theyre not as well preserved, because the houses al burned or fel in, and they were exposed to weathering. The girls were careful y, sometimes elaborately, buried but the markings on their bodies indicate that they were subjected to harsh tangible punishment at some time close to their deaths. And then they had stakes driven through their hearts.Bonnies flips flew to her eyes, as if to ward off a terrible vision. Elena watched Alaric and Celia grimly.Alaric gulped. They were staked?he asked uneasily.Yes. Now I know what youl be thinking. But Japan doesnt have any tradition of vampires. Kitsune foxes are probably the closest analog.Now Elena and Bonnie were hovering right over the map.And do kitsunes drink blood?Just kitsune. The Japanese language has an interesting way of expressing plurals. Bu t to answer your question no. They are legendary tricksters, and one example of what they do is possess girls and women, and lead men to destruction into bogs, and so on. But here Well, you can almost read it like a book.You make it sound like one. But not one Id pick up for plea for certain,Alaric said, and they both smiled bleakly.So, to go on with the book, it seems that this disease spread eventual y to al the children in the town. There were deadly fights. The parents somehow couldnt even get to the fishing boats in which they might have escaped the island.Elena I know. At to the lowest degree Fells Church isnt on an island.And then theres what we found at the town shrine. I can show you that its what Ronald Argyl died for.They both got up and went farther into the building until Celia stopped beside two large urns on pedestals with a hideous thing in between them. It looked like a dress, weathered until it was almost pure white, but sticking through holes in the clothing were clappers. Most horribly, one bleached and fleshless bone hung down from the top of one of the urns.This is what Ronald was working on in the field before al this rain came,Celia explained. It was probably the last death of the original inhabitants and it was suicide.How can you possibly know that?Lets see if I can get this right from Ronalds notes. The priestess here doesnt have any other damage than that which caused her death. The shrine was a stone building once. When we got here we found only a floor, with al the stone steps tumbled isolated every which way. Hence Ronalds use of the ladder. It gets quite technical, but Ronald Argyl was a great forensic pathologist and I trust his reading of the story.Which is?Alaric was taking in the jars and the bones with his camcorder.Someone we dont know who smashed a hole in each of the jars. This is before the chaos started. The town records make note of it as an act of vandalism, a prank done by a child. But long after that the hole was sealed and the jars made almost airtight again, except where the priestess had her hands plunged in the top up to the wrist.With infinite care, Celia lifted the top off the jar that did not have a bone hanging from it to reveal another reduplicate of longish bones, slightly less bleached, and with strips of what must have been clothing on it. Tiny finger bones lay inside the jar.What Ronald thought was that this poor woman died as she performed a last desperate act. Clever, too, if you see it from their perspective. She cut her wrists you can see how the tendon is shriveled in the better-preserved arm and then she let the complete contents of her bloodstream flow into the urns. We do know that the urns show a heavy precipitation of blood on the bottom. She was trying to lure something in or perhaps something back in. And she died trying, and the clay that she had probably hoped to use in her last conscious moments held her bones to the jars.WhewAlaric ran a hand over his forehead, but shivered at the selfsame(prenominal) time.Take pictures Elena was mental y commanding him, using al her wil power to transmit the order. She could see that Bonnie was doing the same, eyes shut, fists clenched.As if in obedience to their commands, Alaric was taking pictures as fast as he could.Final y, he was done. But Elena knew that without some outside impetus there was no way that he was going to get those pictures to Fel s Church until he himself came to town and even Meredith didnt know when that would be.So what do we do? Bonnie asked Elena, looking anguished.Wellmy tears were real when Stefan was in prison.You want us to cry on him?No, Elena said, not quite patiently. But we look like ghosts lets act like them. Try blowing on the back of his neck.Bonnie did, and they both watched Alaric shiver, look around him, draw his windbreaker closer.And what about the other deaths in your own expedition?he asked, huddling, looking around apparently aimlessly.Celia be gan speaking but neither Elena nor Bonnie was listening. Bonnie kept blowing on Alaric from different directions, herding him to the single window in the building that wasnt shattered. There Elena had written with her finger on the darkened cold glass. Once she knew that Alaric was looking that way she blew her breath across the sentence send all pix of jars 2 meredith now every(prenominal) time Alaric approached the window she breathed on it to refresh the words.And at last he saw it.He jumped backward nearly two feet. Then he slowly crept back to the window. Elena refreshed the writing for him. This time, instead of jumping, he simply ran a hand over his eyes and then slowly peeked out again.Hey, Mr. Spook-chaser,said Celia. Are you al right?I dont know,Alaric admitted. He passed his hand over his eyes again, but Celia was coming and Elena didnt breathe on the window.I thought I saw a a message to send copies of the pictures of these jars to Meredith.Celia raised an eyebrow. Who is Meredith?Oh. She shes one of my former students. I suppose this would interest her.He looked down at the camcorder. mug up and urns?Well, you were interested in them quite young, if your reputation is correct.Oh, yes. I loved to watch a dead bird decay, or find bones and try to figure out what animal they were from,Celia said, dimpling again. From the age of six. But I wasnt like most girls.Well neither is Meredith,Alaric said.Elena and Bonnie were eyeing each other seriously now.Alaric had implied that Meredith was special, but he hadnt said it, and he hadnt mentioned their engagement to be engaged.Celia came closer. Are you going to send her the pictures?Alaric laughed. Well, al this atmosphere and everything I dont know. It might just have been my imagination.Celia turned remote just as she reached him and Elena blew once more across the message. Alaric threw his hands up in a gesture of surrender.I dont suppose the Island of Doom has satel ite coverage,he said helplessl y.Nope,Celia said. But the ferry wil be back in a day, and you can send pictures then if youre real y going to do it.I think Id better do it,Alaric said. Elena and Bonnie were both glaring at him, one from each side.But that was when Elenas eyelids started to droop. Oh, Bonnie, Im sorry. I wanted to talk to you after this, and make sure youre okay. But Im fallingI cantShe managed to pry her lids open. Bonnie was in a fetal position, fast asleep.Be careful, Elena whispered, not even sure who she was whispering it to. And as she floated away, she was aware of Celia and the way Alaric was talking to this beautiful, accomplished woman only a year or so older than he was.She felt a clear fear for Meredith, on top of everything else.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Marketing Plan analysis on Forever Living Products Essay
1.SummaryThis assignment leave behind look at the existing merchandise envision for the fraternity constantly accompaniment Products that foc physical exertions on the selling of aloe vera found products. The marketing plan lead show how the company focuses on two areas the con toter and the distributor. Both be to be inter joined and both are important in the objective of the company. Further more(prenominal), recommendations on shortfalls and lacking information will be made as to ensure that marketing is optimised and that this bargains oriented company can improve on sales and profits.2.Introduction and BackgroundFounded in 1978 on little more than dreams and hard belong, eer animateness is a multi-billion dollar company, ground in Scottsdale, Arizona, that manufactures and sells dozens of wellness and viewer products. People fromall over the world, including S bulgeh Africa, distribute these life-enhancing products, providing the opportunity to bear an own sho rt letter and mend a financial future with a proven plan. With over nine and a half trillion distributors in over 145 countries, constantly Living offers a once in a live livestockss opportunity of living a healthier, wealthier life.The founder proposed a very simple business idea to his proximate family and friends over thirty years ago. Offer consumable products to the public that are proven to promote durable wellness and healthand do it in a personal way. Instead of dumping big bucks into traditionalistic advertise, compensate anyone willing to share these products with their family and friends.In minimising traditional advertising, the companys marketing plan was essential as seen in Addendum A . This marketing plan is very simple and focuses primarily on sales and promotion levels of sellers. Since 1978, very little changes were done to keep up with slews over the years.3. business organization Mission forever Living believes their greatest legacy is what they do fo r early(a)s and how they do it. We adhere to sustainable practices that let us work in harmony with the earth, leaving a more promising future to our children. We take great self-complacency in our charity foundation, Forever Giving, because it allows us to help others around the world who has needs far great than our own. We are taking ideas and turning them into reality. It is a part of our business thats so deeply grain you could call it our culture. Working towards a brighter future is so much more than our dutyits rattling our pleasure.Forever Living offers a unique opportunity where distributors are in business for themselves, but never by themselves.4.ObjectivesSeeing that the company primary focus is on sales, that is exactly what drives the objectives of the company. This is very progress to in the current (unchanged) marketing plan becalm in use. The main objective is Own your own business You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you. olibanum, the company tries to empower ordinary lot with the ability to own an income related to the amount of try put into sales and marketing based on known and proven products and catering for people with the homogeneous values in life. A promotion scheme is followed where the distributor starts at entry level and accordingly progress to higher levels determined by the amount of sales accomplished. It seems like primarily the focus is based on the total of sales obtained, but on the other hand a strong speech pattern is placed on customer satisfaction.5.SWOT AnalysisStrengths Being a company that has existed since 1978, it proves that this is no fly-by-night company. clayey records and proven results are in favour of establishing this company as a reputable business. Forever Living has a track record of more than 30 years of success.The company offer excellent training, seminars, incentives, and a support center. Forever Living is a company with an international presence that demonstrates stability, growth, and ample industry experience. Innovative, role products speak of the credibility of the company.Weaknesses Seeing that the Forever Living Company, on customer related issues, primarily makes use of word-of-mouth marketing, as well as drawing the majority of costumers from family and friends, it seems like this could lead to a authorizationity gap in their marketing plan.On the side of distributors, it seems like at that place is saltationed protocols and banknotements regarding the amount of sale being monitored and available forscruitinising. Thus, it seems like whatever sales you submit per month is the only way of supervise your own progress in the company.Opportunities Although it could also be seen as a stumbling block, Forever Living Products apply the opportunity to play the ecological card (which seems to be quite popular in recent trends) and puts a great deal of emphasis on being green and sustainable. As quoted they are- Accountable to the milieuEver since Forever Living Products was founded in 1978, weve had the utmost respect for nature. Not Just GreenwashingOur challenge to be more eco-friendly wasnt based on following fads or silencing critics. In 2006 we flinged a formal environmental sustainability program to challenge ourselves to do more.We designated two areas where we could improve* Waste Generation* Waste RecoverySince we began observe our progress we have reduced our waste by 50% and increased our recycling from 26% to 61%. Our Carbon FootprintWhen it comes to the efficiency of converting carbonic acid gas into oxygen, 20 aloe plants are equal to one tree. With over 40 million aloe vera plants in our plantations, our Aloe Vera of America plantations actually cleanse the earth of 2 million tons of CO2 every year https// Looking at the global economy, this could be a instrument in re duced sales as Forever Living Products might be costly for costumers in countries (third-world countries) that are struggling economically. Few competition threats in relation to the product itself are known of as aloe vera productsare limited by resources (aloe plants mostly grow in arid/ desert areas). Also, the amount of aloe vera in the base product makes this product range unrivaled by most other products.6.Competitive AdvantageFor consumers, the Forever Living Companys product range is solely based on Aloe Vera products, which are separate into health drinks, nutritional supplements, weight management products and cosmetic / personal care products. This alone already gives the company a unique foothold on the health and beauty market a fresh surface with a definitive product focus.As for distributors, Forever Living also has the advantage of a multi-level escalate promotion scheme for distributors where you can reach a certain level and not degrade once you have reached th at level.With this being said, other advantages areOwning your own business You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you.Little risk and no overhead costs Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses cost tens of thousands of dollars to establish, not to mention a bank loan that will take you decades to repay. Starting your home-based business with Forever Living only costs you a few degree centigrade dollars.No salary cap Corporate jobs limit your pay range based on a market standard. With Forever Living, there is no cap on how much you earn. The harder you work, the more money you make. rest Income Perhaps the greatest benefit is that the multi-level marketing strategy offers lasting income. You as a distributor will always earn commissions on distributors you introduce to Forever Living, continually reaping the benefits of your hard work.7. commercialiseing Strategy7a). Target MarketAs the companys unique produ ct aloe vera is linked to many health and cosmetic benefits, it is a product that is sellable to virtually anyone. The target market is generally based on friends and/ or family acquire from the distributor. This is not limited though to the above mentioned, but also includes people that have the urge or need to soften their lives by living more healthy and doing so in reaching out to products (like Forever Living Products) that could sustain and/or improve that kind of living. Because of the relative high pricing linked to these products, one would classify the core target market as middle to high income groups. Being a sales orientated business, distributors are however expected to contact as many as potential consumers to sell to and build up enough credit points (as part of the sales plan) to earn their compensation/rewards. Although a fair deal of business comprise of new business, a abundant part of sustaining and re-enforcing selling targets is based on repetitive sales from previous customers.7b). PositioningThe positioning basically rest on same health and cosmetic benefits to improve your way of life. With few competitors supplying specifically (certified) aloe vera products (keeping in mind that at least 75% of the base product must comprise of aloe vera), Forever Living has created a nook market and a unique selling opportunity.7c). Marketing MixMarketing to potential customers basically comprises of launch events, word-of-mouth and sample tests conducted in various environments suitable to potential customers. In this in post distributors seem to attain a group of people and thus present the products to various potential customers. This type of approach seem to work well in that people in numbers agreeing on an issue would more possible be proned to buying and thus push up the sale quota.As for distributors, Forever Living Products provides them with a simple, proven cycle that guarantees your success. If the distributor and their team m embers follow the steps in this cycle, there is no limit to how large their business will become and how much money you will earn.1. Purchase a Business Pak2. Develop a personal selling/marketing plan3. Set your foundation by retail four consequence credits per month4. Follow up with your clients and prospects5. Present the business opportunity6. patron new team members and guide them through the cyclei)ProductSince the foundation in 1978, Forever Living Products markets extensively aloe vera based products. They pride themselves in claiming at least 75% of the base product consists of this core ingredient. Thus all products marketed are said to contribute to the health and cosmetic (e.g. skin care) satisfaction of their customers. Over the years, with the trend of energy drinks that became popular in recent years, the company made sure that the products offered also includes these trends. Focusing on a better living, the name Forever Living Products leans quite suitably towards w hat the company tries to sell a longer, better, healthier life. The company also offers a full refund and/ or replacement of products without any disputes. What has been tell in delivery service is that customer service in this regard is very sufficient and fasting 2 days delivery since placing an order to delivery on your doorstep. ii)PlaceForever Living took a stance on the fact that they want to assist ordinary people to own their own businesses. As Forever Living Products markets primarily through the use of family and friends and word-of-mouth, it seems that there could be a gap in utilizing other means of distribution. However, it is also understandable that the company would like to empower distributors (without the necessity of holding a large stock reserve) and thus ensure that even the smallest distributor would be able to make aliving. This would moreover project the products as being more exclusive not being able to walk into your adjacent shop and pick it off the s helf, and in this way justify the price of the product.The home company is ascertain in Arizona, United States. The South African setup with four distributor outlets services distributors all over South Africa.iii)PromotionAs mentioned earlier, products are primarily marketed by means of word-of-mouth, friends and family. Other means of marketing and advertising includes internet advertisements and on job testimonials. All of these are rather inexpensive marketing cocks being use. Through these channels is seems that there is sufficient affirmation to uphold the reputation of the products offered. However, with these channels use it seems to be difficult to obtain a clear estimation of the effectiveness of these efforts.On actual selling by distributors there is no clear indication of time spend, the only indication that could be used as a measure is the sum of vitrine credits. Case credits determine the effective selling of a distributor. The more case credits accumulated durin g a month, the higher the incentives and possibility to progress to another level (often with even better incentives).The company tries to keep their products exclusive and thus the use of database marketing seems ineffective, as this would make the products seem putting green.In general, promotion of products for this company is based on testimonials from regular consumers who can recommend the benefits to others. Through this line of advertising, it would seem that benefits of the products are more creditable, true and trustworthy due to the fact that you know the person who introduced you to the line of products.iv)PricePricing on international products are generally seen as being expensive, especially on ecological niche products. Even with Forever Living Products, this phenomenon occurs. However, focusing on health and cosmetic enhancements, the company can still make a reasonable stance in the pricing arena.8.Implementation, Evaluation and ControlThe marketing plan appears to be in line with the goals set out by the company to achieve the desired goals. in the beginning the activities required are achieved through sales of the distributors, which is measured on a monthly basis. Most in all probability the company would need to attempt a fresh approach on current marketing strategies such as e-commerce, although this could affect the purpose of the current structure and mission of the company to empower normal people to own a business of their own. Seeing that performance standards are basically measured in the amount of sales per month (to achieve the desired case credits, this is the only way to measure the above mentioned.9. Conclusion / RecommendationsThe Forever Living Products Company has set remarkable sales initiatives in place, rarely found in this type of marketing. For one, when a distributor has reached a certain sales level, there is no reverting back to a lower sales level. In every sale that is made put down your line as distributo r (no matter what level), you benefit from the inputs of your team.Although the company follows a very plain marketing plan, which seems to be quite effective, some improvements can be noted. Lack of information is found in the distributors channels. As the companys main aim is based on sales, it could be recommended that an on-line portal be created as to inform distributors of a current sales analysis (as of the first of every month, and therefore should be accessible and reflect updates any time of the month). This would pose to be a great motivational tool in driving thissales orientated business and ensuring that you as distributor acquire the necessary case credits required.It is also recommended that the use of social media such as e.g. television and radio, bill-boards and poster be used on a global and general scale to promote products. This would in turn mean that a central access point (like a website or telephone call centre be utilised to direct potential customers to t heir nearest distributor.ReferencesForever Living Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd.(2014) https//, Accessed 29-04-2014Forever Living Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd.(2014).https//, Accessed 29-04-2014http//, Accessed 28-04-2014
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Disaster Preparedness Essay
Name Rivera, Rosalynd L.Prof. TiongsonStudent No. 2012- 78908August 8, 2013National Disaster jeopardize Reduction Management designing Disaster PrepargondnessAccording to the Word Disaster Report of 2012, The Philippines ranks third gear of the most happening-prone countries. Because it is situated on a geologic on the wholey unstable region and is surrounded by legion(predicate) subduction zones that whitethorn cause earthquakes, vol piece of tailic eruptions, landslides, typhoon and tsunamis, it is impossible to stop natural calamitys from hitting our country all we mountain do is to manage risks.The National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan is establish to move around the basis of programs and proposals to help make the communities be calamity resilient and has four areas of responsibility that are interlinked, keep going each other. One of these key priorities of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan is hazard wide-awakeness. It aims to increas e the level of awareness of the communities to the threats and impacts of all hazards and risks, to equip the community with necessary skills to cope with the negative personal effects and to increase capacity of institutions.One of the main goals of chance preparedness is to increase the level of awareness of the communities to the threats and impacts of all hazards and risks. This is due to some Filipinos lack of screwledge about the geographical situation of the country and that probably, only a few knows the reasons why the Philippines gets hit by natural disasters very often. Some families may live in a geologically unstable location or near a weewee body that might be hit by natural hazards any time, but how do they know? Unless somebody is going to disseminate information regarding the threats and risks, Filipinos leave alone continue to know nothing about how can these affect their lives.When the peoples level of awareness is increased, theywill be more prepared they wil l know how to decrease the risks and how to react during calamities. The Philippine Information Agency together with its implementing partners, AFP, CHED, DEPED, DOH, PAGASA, and PHIVOLCS develops and implements Information, Education and Communication campaigns and programs some(prenominal) locally and nationwide. For example, the Bagyo,Lindol, Tsunami, and Baha or the BLTB Project of DOST-PAGASA, a part ofPAGASAs greater campaign against natural disasters which aims to do away with the technical side of natural hazards and instead provide the public with clearer, more simplified explanations so they will have a stronger grasp of these calamities and be better prepared was launched on July 23, 2013 partly in an animated audio-visual presentation. This way, people will easily understand these calamities thus letting them be more prepared when disasters strike.To help strengthen the disaster preparedness of the society, the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan as well aims to equip the communities with necessary skills and capability to cope with the impacts of the disaster. This serves as the second step towards the effective disaster preparedness because information dissemination is not enough. Filipinos need to be trained for them to know what proper measures are to be undertaken before, during and after a calamity. Through the coordination of Department of Interior and Local Government, the Office of Civil exculpation and other government agencies like the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Department of Education, Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and ontogenesis and Philippine National Police, various activities and programs such as, preps and simulation exercises in disaster preparedness and response, integration of DRRM and mode Change Adaptation (CCA) to school curricula and establishment of DRRM training institutes to conduct education, training, research and publication programs were developed and use to accomplish t he target outputs.For example, in eastern Visayas, the principles of disaster preparedness are now fully include in the curriculum of secondary and tertiary levels and in addition, other approaches like the preparation of modules in disaster preparedness used in Alternative Learning System (ALS) and the expansion of the focus of theCitizen Army training (CAT) for high school seniors on civic clear, community service and law enforcement training are also undertaken. As a part of this program, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, releases guides on earthquake preparedness to reduce the impacts.Lastly, the disaster preparedness program of the DRRMP also identified the increase of capacity of institutions as one of its priorities. The support of government and non-government sectors are necessary to equip the community with essential skills to cope with the effects of a disaster so that people will have emotional stability, too. The Department of Interior and Local G overnment through with(predicate) the help of other government agencies leads actions such as accreditation of Non-Government Organizations, outgrowth of local DRRM plan, administration of risk assessments, incident planning, knowledge management and training activities, inventory of resources, stockpiling and prepositioning of resources and establishment of DRRM Operations Center to ensure self-reliant and operational DRRM councils and fully-functioning, adequately staffed and financially capable local DRRM offices. In the present, the local government collaborates with NGOs for better writ of execution of disaster management and preparedness programs, these organizations engage more in advocacy and legal support for populations veneer increased risk because of development projects and environmental destruction.In conclusion, the disaster preparedness priority area of the NDRRMP offers strategic actions that help people to improve their awareness and understanding through info rmation dissemination, contingency planning, and conduct of drills and development of natural disaster management plans. However, to ensure these services and operations, the other three key priority areas essential be properly handled too because they work as a whole. Revisions on the NDRRMP are to be do depending on the observations of concerned sectors to achieve the goals in the most effective way. The Philippines have very good established disaster preparedness plans and in fact, it is considered as one of the well-prepared countries when it comes to natural disasters. The goals and activities presented above are very principal(prenominal) because not only properties but lives will be destroyed if peoplewill neglect disaster preparedness and it also show that both authorities and the community must actively participate for these plans to work and for the people to attain better security.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Analysis of 3 Blind Mice Essay
I chose the write up/nursery rhyme 3 projection screen Mice to provide my summary and analysis on. It goes as follows 3 Blind Mice, 3 Blind Mice keep in line how they run, See how they run They all ran after the farmers married woman, Who narrow off their tails with a cutters knife, Have you ever seen such a thing in your life? As 3 Blind Mice. To summarize the above nursery rhyme I was able to conclude there be 3 mice and each mouse is blind. I found that the mice run and attendd the farmers wife. I also was able to conclude that the farmers wife cut off all 3 of the mices tails.That is all I was able to come up with as far as summarizing goes. later complementary an analyzation of 3 Blind Mice, I noticed symbolism, some unanswered questions and a few early(a) findings I previously didnt notice. I always assumed the farmers wife cut off the 3 blind mices tails AFTER they were chasing her meaning she was defending herself. What if the wife cut off the 3 mice tails first an d they were chasing her for attacking them initially? The lyrics does not advise which order both of the above 2 deeds occurred it just states they both happened.It makes you question who the aggressor was, which may determine which billet you are on and the lesson you learned from the story if any. After further analyzation, I began to wonder how the mice were able to chase the farmers wife around if they are blind. The author put extra emphasis on seeing the way the 3 blind mice run (those were the 1st 2 lines, the only lines that were repeated twice and the only lines that did not rhyme) as if it was assorted than how non-blind mice run. Its indecipherable if the mice were running in fear, anger, if they were running different because they got their tails cut off etc.The author could be implying nothing dandy happens for people/animals with disabilities. The story seems to only highlight the mices deficiencies and nothing good happens for them. The last observation of my an alysis is I neer heard of a mouse, or even a few mice chasing a human in real life. Mice normally run from people in fear, not after them. I think symbolism was utilize to convey a message deeper than the simple nursery rhyme. Maybe the mice were used to represent the general public, and the wife represents their queen/leader.When the little people in society try to challenge the government or elevation authority figures, they normally get an example made out of them (hence the tail being cut off). It is unclear if the mice lived or died after their tails were chopped, but its clear they were punished by the farmers wife. Rodents were used to represent the little people because when rodents become a problem, you exterminate them That is what I found when completing my summary and analysis for 3 Blind Mice. I hope I was able to provide good theories to back up my findings while changing your view on an old nursery rhyme.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Types of Power in a Negotiation
What are the five types of power? Referent- power that comes from amazement or respect from others subject to such power Reward- power that comes from using reinforcers as a focus to get things accomplished Legitimate- having a title that grants power, such as CEO Expert- power that comes from having supreme fellowship of the subject Coercive using punishment as a way to get things done cover a negotiation with which you are familiar. What parties were identified? Who had power or influence? Explain why.I personally dont rise myself negotiating through facts on a daily basis, my work environment is very fast-paced and we usually progress decisions very quickly. But I can definitely see these types of power struggles in a family situation or even a marriage. Personally I know I have used the reward and coercive powers to get my kids to do things. Being a parent also gives that legitimate power, I am MOM therefore what I say goes. Based on your experience with a negotiation, h ow does having one or more of the five types of power affect the dynamics of the negotiation?I would have to say that at work our team Leader beyond having legitimate power, he also has referent and expert power. During part meetings to discuss methods to improve our efficiency we all give our feedback and go back and forth with our ideas. It is his knowledge of the society and years of experience that usually provide the most efficient approach to improving our dept. Having the respect from everyone in the department as well as other co-workers initiates the negotiation towards a productive solution.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
8th Grade Curriculum Essay
building block threadbargonSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 1 (Short Stories) narration and LiteratureA. FluencyB. wording elaborationC. ComprehensionD. LiteratureB1. Acquire, pick up, and determination dictionary through explicict and indirect vocabulary instruction and autarkical reading.B2. go over the significance of unknown excogitates by utilize a dictionary or mise en scene clues.B3. accredit and correspond intelligence agencys with six-fold hearts.B4. Describe the influences of other deliverys on the English run-in.B5. sustain familiarity of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand content area vocabulary.B6. Determine word meanings by victimisation definition, restatement, example, par or contrast.B7. mark and apologise analogies, similes and metaphors.B8. enforce correct word pronunciation and inflection.C1. Summarize and retell chief(prenominal)(prenominal) conceit and musical accompaniment expandC2. Recall and us e prior learning and preview schoolbook to invent for reading.C3. Comprehend, construe and treasure knowledge in a mixture of texts victimisation a combine of strategiesC4. pick out inferences and quarter conclusions found on explicit and implied informationC7. Use knowledge of narrative and expositive textstructures in a variety of content areas to summarize information.C10 Monitor comprehension and use strategies to clear discernment of the selection.C13. identify and utilize a variety of sources to compare and contrast information.C14. Critically read and value to determine the beginnings purpose, point of view, audience and message.D1. Read a variety of high look literature.D2. Analyze and treasure relationships among elements of fiction.D4. Analyze and gauge how figurative nomenclature and literary devices contribute to the meaning of the text.D5. channel points of view in narrative texts and explain how they affect the overall them of the works.D6. Relat e a given literary work to historic events.D8. disclose and understand recurrng themes across literary works and historic eras.D12. Respond to literature heightenment ideas and details from text to aliment reactions and make literary connections.D13 Read from and respond to a variety of fiction, poetic, and nonfiction texts of change magnitude complexity for personal enjoyment. A. Accelerated Reader-30 minutes a dayB. Study of Latin and Greek word split sacred scripture stand fors-Creating a graphical organizer including the etymology of the word, examples of how vocabulary words are used, meaningful sentence, synonyms, word tantrum clueWord Posters using Greek and Latin Word Parts.C. Elements of Literature Short layer Collection 1 mend and circumstanceWeekly Warm-Ups-Written Responses to PoetryReadThe view of Lemon brownnessThe Inn of muzzy TimeThe Monkeys PawAunty MiseryNonfiction Reading Strategies- KWL, Main Idea, Supporting Details-Notetaking Sheet Nonfiction Article on Harlem-Background Information before reading The Treasure of Lemon Brown Nonfiction Article on Samurai Warriors-Background Information before reading The Inn of Lost TimeGraphic Organizers spot and Setting romance Map, Setting Map(weather, time, customs, effect on parting, etc.), Imagery Wheel, Plot Outline, Cause and Effect ChartSelection Tests Multiple pick Test with Essay Questioneighth Grade Language arts political program Map 2010 pg. 2UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 1 (Short Stories)WritingA. Types of WritingB. Elements of musical compositionC. Spelling, Grammar, and UsageD. ResearchE. Hand constitution and Word ProcessingA1. Write a great deal in a variety of forms, including but not limited to the avocation poetry, stories, essays, editorials, letters, directions andresearch reports.B1. Create duple split compositions that state, maintain and use details in a lawful order to hurt a main idea. B2. Create narratives that soften s ettings, people/characters, dialogue, and conflicts using descriptive, concrete language to engage audience. B6. Use re pledge processes to develop writing, includinga. Prewritingb. Draftingc. rewrited. cutinge. PublishingB7. Consider the intend audience.C1. Compose complete sentencesC2. cut off writingC3. Apply grammar conventionsC4. Apply punctuation conventionsE1. Write legibly using cursiveE2. Format word-processed texts to bow information in an organized, ex whizzrated fomat, integrating graphics, illustrations and bulleting as needed Quick writes-Journaling strike out Questions-Answer multiple apparent motions in spite of appearance an essay questionShort Story Summary with a Graphic Organizer Pre-writeCompare and Contrast EssayCompare the Literary Elements in The Monkeys Paw and Aunty Misery in Elements of Literature.Six Trait Writing Rubrics to teach and assess writing projectseighth Grade Language humanistic discipline Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 3UnitStandardSkillsAss essment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 1 (Short Stories) harangue & listenA. Speaking and ListeningB. Media LiteracyA1. introduce in and follow agreed upon rules for conversation and ballock discussion in oversize and small groups. A2. actively listen and comprehend messages.A5. Follow a utterers presentation and encounter it in notes. A6. by word of mouth communicate information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences, adjusting delivery and language for intended audience and purpose. A7. participate effectively in group meetings.John Hopkins Social Skills training- Y chartsSmall throng Literature CirclesThink-Pair-ShareAnalyzing Visuals Setting and Characterizationeighth Grade Language liberal arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 4UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 2Reading and LiteratureA. FluencyB. mental lexicon ExpansionC. ComprehensionD. LiteratureA1. improver fluencyB1. Acquire, understand, and use vocabulary through explicict and indirect vocab ulary instruction and independent reading.B2. Determine the meaning of unknown words by using a dictionary or context clues.B3. Recognize and interpret words with multiple meanings.B4. Describe the influences of other languages on the English Language.B5. Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand content area vocabulary.B6. Determine word meanings by using definition, restatement, example, comparison or contrast.B7. Identify and explain analogies, similes, and metaphors.B8. Apply correct word pronunciation and inflection.C1. Summarize and paraphrase main idea and supporting detailsC2. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading.C3. Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information in a variety of texts using a combination of strategiesC4. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied informationC7. Use knowledge of narrative and expository text structures in a variety of content areas to summarize inform ation. C10 Monitor comprehension and use strategies to clarify understanding of theselection.C 13. Identify and utilize a variety of sources to compare and contrast information.C14. Critically read and evaluate to determine the authors purpose, point of view, audience and message.D1. Read a variety of high eccentric literature.D2. Analyze and evaluate relationships among elements of fiction.D3. Analyze a characters traits, emotions, motivation and give supporting separate from the text.D4. Analyze and evaluate how figurative languae and literary devices contribute to the meaning of a text.D5. Contrast points of view in narrative texts and explain how they affect the overall them of the works.D6. Relate a given literary work to diachronic events.D8. Identify and understand recurrng themes across literary works and historic eras.D12. Respond to literature using ideas and details from text to support reactions and make literary connections.D13 Read from and respond to a variety of fiction, poetic, and nonfiction texts of increase complexity for personal enjoyment. A. Accelerated Reader-30 minutes a dayB. Continue with Study of Latin and Greek word partsWord Maps-Creating a Graphic organizer including the etymology of the word, examples of how vocabulary words are used, meaningful sentence, synonyms, word picture clue.Elements of Literature Short Story Collection 2CharacterizationReadHamadiA Retrieved ReformationThe sweet Old WomanMrs. FlowersGraphic Organizers for Characterization-Character Analysis chartContinue with Story Maps-SummariesSelection Tests Multiple Choice Test with Essay QuestionCompare/Contrast characters in The Wise Old Woman and Mrs. Flowers8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 5UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 2WritingA. Types of WritingB. Elements of Composition.C. Spelling, Grammar, and UsageD. ResearchE. Handwriting and Word ProcessingA1. Write often in a variety of forms, including but not limited to th e following poetry, stories, essays, editorials, letters, directions and research reports.B1. Create multiple paragraph compositions that state, maintain and usedetails in a logical order to support a main idea.B2. Create narratives that develop settings, people/characters, dialogue, and conflicts using descriptive, concrete language to engage audience.B6. Use typography processes to develop writing, includingf. Prewritingg. Draftingh. Revisingi. Editingj. PublishingB7. Consider the intended audience.C1. Compose complete sentencesC2. Edit writingC3. Apply grammar conventionsC4. Apply punctuation conventionsE1. Write legibly using cursiveE2. Format word-processed texts to present information in an organized, readable fomat, integrating graphics, illustrations and bulleting as neededQuickwrites-JournalingTAG Questions-Answer multiple questions within an essay questionShort Story Summary with a Graphic Organizer PrewriteNarrative Essay ain Experience EssaySix Traits of Writing8th Grad e Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 6UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 2Speaking & ListeningA. Speaking and ListeningB. Media LiteracyA1. Participate in and follow agreed upon rules for conversation and formal discussion in large and small groups.A2. Actively listen and comprehend messages.A5. Follow a speakers presentation and represent it in notes.A6. Orally communicate information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences, adjusting delivery and language for intended audience and purpose.A7. Participate effectively in group meetings.Small Group Literature CirclesThink-Pair-ShareAnalyzing Visuals Setting and Characterization8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 7UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 3 (Poetry)Reading and LiteratureB. Vocabulary ExpansionC. ComprehensionD. LiteratureB1. Acquire, understand, and use vocabulary through explicict and indirect vocabulary instruction and independent reading.B2. Determine t he meaning of unknown words by using a dictionary or context clues.B3. Recognize and interpret words with multiple meanings.B4. Describe the influences of other languages on the English Language.B5. Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand content area vocabulary.B6. Determine word meanings by using definition, restatement, example, comparison or contrast.B7. Identify and explain analogies, similes, and metaphors.B8. Apply correct word pronunciation and inflection.C1. Summarize and paraphrase main idea and supporting AC2. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading.C3. Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information in a variety of texts using a combination of strategiesC4. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied informationC7. Use knowledge of narrative and expository text structures in a variety of content areas to summarize information.C10 Monitor comprehension and use strategies to clarify u nderstanding of the selection.C 13. Identify and utilize a variety of sources to compare and contrast information.C14. Critically read and evaluate to determine the authors purpose, point of view, audience and message.D1. Read a variety of high quality literature.D2. Analyze and evaluate relationships among elements of fiction.D3. Analyze a characters traits, emotions, motivation and give supporting evidence from the text.D4. Analyze and evaluate how figurative languae andliterary devices contribute to the meaning of a text.D5. Contrast points of view in narrative texts and explain how they affect the overall them of the works.D6. Relate a given literary work to historical events.D8. Identify and understand recurrng themes across literary works and historic eras.D12. Respond to literature using ideas and details from text to support reactions and make literary connections.D13 Read from and respond to a variety of fiction, poetic, and nonfiction texts of increasing complexity for per sonal enjoyment. B. Study of Latin and Greek word partsWord Maps-Creating a Graphic organizer including the etymology of the word, examples of how vocabulary words are used, meaningful sentence, synonyms, word picture clueWord Posters using Greek and Latin Word Parts.C. D. Elements of Literature Short Story Collection 3-4 Theme and Authors StyleTo introduce Theme-ReadThe CubStop the SunThe Medicine BagAesops FablesSmall Group ActivityRead six fables, complete twaddle chart, characterization, plot, and theme, or moral of the story.To introduce Authors Style-Two Author StudiesRead-Edgar Allen PoeTell-Tale HeartThe RavenThe Cask of AmontilladoThe Pit and the Pendulum-View filmExamine Mood, Tone, Literary Devices (imagery, dialect, symbols), Figures of Speech (similes, metaphors, personification, idioms), railleryRead-Ray BradburyRay Bradbury Biography-Ray Bradbury is on FireThe Flying MachineThe DragonThe FoghornThe Smile in that respect Will Come Soft RainsAll Summer in a DayComple te Story Chart- Setting, Characters, Plot, Theme for each of the stories Variety of comprehension activities for each story8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 8UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 3 (Poetry)WritingA. Types of WritingB. Elements of Composition.C. Spelling, Grammar, and UsageD. ResearchE. Handwriting and Word ProcessingA1. Write frequently in a variety of forms, including but not limited to the following poetry, stories, essays, editorials, letters, directions and research reports.B1. Create multiple paragraph compositions that state, maintain and use details in a logical order to support a main idea.B2. Create narratives that develop settings, people/characters, dialogue, and conflicts using descriptive, concrete language to engage audience.B6. Use composing processes to develop writing, includingk. Prewritingl. Draftingm. Revisingn. Editingo. PublishingB7. Consider the intended audience.C1. Compose complete sentencesC2. Edit writingC3. Apply grammar conventionsC4. Apply punctuation conventionsE1. Write legibly using cursiveE2. Format word-processed texts to present information in an organized, readable fomat, integrating graphics, illustrations and bulleting as neededQuickwrites-JournalingTAG Questions-Answer multiple questions within an essay questionLiterary Devices Packet- Similes, Metaphors, Alliteration, Idioms, OnomatopeiaMultiparagraph strike Summary/AnalysisEssay on the Pit and the PendulumTheme Strips Choose one of Ray Bradburys short stories and create a theme strip, illustrating it with symbols that have significance to the story.Six Trait Writing8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 9UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 3 (Poetry)Speaking & ListeningA. Speaking and ListeningB. Media LiteracyA1. Participate in and follow agreed upon rules for conversation and formal discussion in large and small groups. A2. Actively listen and comprehend messages.A5. Follow a speakers presen tation and represent it in notes.A6. Orally communicate information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences, adjusting delivery and language for intended audience andpurpose.A7. Participate effectively in group meetings.Analyzing VisualsView The Pit and the PendulumComplete story chart, analyze irony, write summarySmall Group Activities8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 10UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 4Reading and LiteratureA. FluencyB. Vocabulary ExpansionC. ComprehensionD. LiteratureA1. Increase fluencyB1. Acquire, understand, and use vocabulary through explicict and indirect vocabulary instruction and indeWpendent reading.B2. Determine the meaning of unknown words by using a dictionary or context clues.B3. Recognize and interpret words with multiple meanings.B4. Describe the influences of other languages on the English Language.B5. Apply knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand content area vocabu lary.B6. Determine word meanings by using definition, restatement,example, comparison or contrast.B7. Identify and explain analogies, similes and metaphors.B8. Apply correct word pronunciation and inflection.C1. Summarize and paraphrase main idea and supporting detailsC2. Recall and use prior learning and preview text to prepare for reading.C3. Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information in a variety of texts using a combination of strategiesC4. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on explicit and implied informationC7. Use knowledge of narrative and expository text structures in a variety of content areas to summarize information.C10 Monitor comprehension and use strategies to clarify understanding of the selection.C13. Identify and utilize a variety of sources to compare and contrast information.C14. Critically read and evaluate to determine the authors purpose, point of view, audience and message.D1. Read a variety of high quality literature.D2. Analyze and evaluate rela tionships among elements of fiction.D3. Analyze a characters traits, emotions, or motivation and give support from the text.D4. Analyze and evaluate how figurative language and literary devices contribute to the meaning of the text.D5. Contrast points of view in narrative texts and explain how they affect the overall them of the works.D6. Relate a given literary work to historical events.D7. Respond to and analyze the effects of sound, form, figurative language and graphics in order to uncover meaning in poetry.D8. Identify and understand recurrng themes across literary works and historic eras.D12. Respond to literature using ideas and details from text to support reactions and make literary connections.D13 Read from and respond to a variety of fiction, poetic, and nonfiction texts of increasing complexity for personal enjoyment.A. Accelerated Reader-30 minutes a dayB. Continue with Study of Latin and Greek word partsWord Maps-Creating a Graphic organizer including the etymology of the word, examples of how vocabulary words are used, meaningful sentence, synonyms, word picture clue.1960s StudyIntroduce using materials from 1960s Postal benefit Publication Vocabulary related to the 1960sRead nonfiction relating to the 1960s EraCreate Timeline of major EventsAnalyze Music and Poetry from the 1960sComplete Setting Chart using Scholastic vent The 1960sNovelVocabulary Think About It charts to analyze context clues.Character ChartPlot OutlineVariety of comprehension ActivitiesQuestion Writing ActivityRobert Frost Poem Nothing atomic number 79 Can Stay8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 11UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & ResourcesUnit 4WritingA. Types of WritingB. Elements of CompositionC. Spelling, Grammar, and UsageD. ResearchE. Handwriting and Word ProcessingA1. Write frequently in a variety of forms, including but not limited to the following poetry, stories, essays, editorials, letters, directions and research reports.B1. Create multiple paragraph compositions that state, maintain and use details in a logical order to support a main idea.B2. Create narratives that develop settings, people/characters, dialogue, and conflicts using descriptive, concrete language to engage audience.B6. Use composing processes to develop writing, includingp. Prewritingq. Draftingr. Revisings. Editingt. PublishingB7. Consider the intended audience.C1. Compose complete sentencesC2. Edit writingC3. Apply grammar conventionsC4. Apply punctuation conventionsE1. Write legibly using cursiveE2. Format word-processed texts to present information in an organized, readable fomat, integrating graphics, illustrations and bulleting as neededQuickwrites-JournalingTAG Questions-Answer multiple questions within an essay questionBiopoemEssayCharacter Analysis EssayChoose one character from the novel, The Outsiders, and write a character analysis.Six Trait Writing8th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map 2010 pg. 12UnitStandardSkillsAssessment, Projects & Re sourcesUnit 4Speaking & ListeningA. Types of WritingB. Elements of CompositionC. Spelling, Grammar, and UsageD. ResearchE. Handwriting and Word ProcessingA1. Write frequently in a variety of forms, including but not limited to the following poetry, stories, essays, editorials, letters, directions and research reports.B1. Create multiple paragraph compositions that state, maintain and use details in a logical order to support a main idea.B2. Create narratives that develop settings, people/characters, dialogue, and conflicts using descriptive, concrete language to engage audience.B6. Use composing processes to develop writing, includingu. Prewritingv. Draftingw. Revisingx. Editingy. PublishingB7. Consider the intended audience.C1. Compose complete sentencesC2. Edit writingC3. Apply grammar conventionsC4. Apply punctuation conventionsE1. Write legibly using cursiveE2. Format word-processed texts to present information in an organized, readable fomat, integrating graphics, illustrations and bulleting as neededQuickwrites-JournalingTAG Questions-Answer multiple questions within an essay questionBiopoemEssayCharacter Analysis EssayChoose one character from the novel, The Outsiders, and write a character analysis.Six Trait Writing
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