Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Felix Randall - 1416 Words
FELIX RANDAL The Poem â€Å"Felix Randal†is a sonnet with an Italian or Petrarchan rhyme scheme (abba, abba, ccd, ccd); although not published until 1918, it was written in 1880. The title character is known from extrinsic evidence to have been a thirty-one-year-old blacksmith named Felix Spencer, who died of pulmonary tuberculosis; Father Gerard Manley Hopkins, while a curate in a slum parish in Liverpool, visited him often, administered the last sacraments, and officiated at his funeral. Hence the poem is largely romantic self-expression. There is little or no ironic separation between the â€Å"I†(the speaker within the poem) and the author (the historical Hopkins outside the poem), so the â€Å"I†may be taken as a Roman Catholic priest†¦show more content†¦After eight lines of speaking objectively about Felix Randal in the third-person-singular â€Å"he,†the ninth line is a generalization about the bond of affection that grows between the patient and a priest who comes regularly to visit. At this point a sedate, well-behaved, almost dull poem leaps to life. The little phrase â€Å"child, Felix, poor Felix Randal†is the emotional center and high point of the sonnet. The final three lines raise an enduring image over the farrier’s grave: Felix at the height of his physical vigor, the human correlative of the huge draft-horses which he shoes so effortlessly. Forms and Devices The sentence structure follows the sonnet’s Italian or Petrarchan rhyme scheme (abba, abba, ccd, ccd), forming four self-contained statements. The rhythm is accentual hexameter (modeled on Anglo-Saxon and Middle-English prototypes); only the accented syllables count in the scansion, and there may be any number of unaccented syllables. Hopkins believed that the English iambic pentameter line of ten relatively short syllables was too â€Å"narrow,†too light and short, relative to its Italian model in which each line had eleven relatively long syllables, so he experimented with many different formal adjustments to try to bring the English sonnet into conformity with the Italian model. The first image that needs special comment is â€Å"mould†(line 2). In Hopkins’s poetry, the word sometimes refers to shape, sometimes to earth and burial. Here, â€Å"mould†Show MoreRelatedFelix Randall1406 Words  | 6 PagesFELIX RANDAL The Poem â€Å"Felix Randal†is a sonnet with an Italian or Petrarchan rhyme scheme (abba, abba, ccd, ccd); although not published until 1918, it was written in 1880. The title character is known from extrinsic evidence to have been a thirty-one-year-old blacksmith named Felix Spencer, who died of pulmonary tuberculosis; Father Gerard Manley Hopkins, while a curate in a slum parish in Liverpool, visited him often, administered the last sacraments, and officiated at his funeral. Hence theRead More The New Age Employee Essay1277 Words  | 6 Pagescompetitive within their global market. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.) Llyod G. Nigro, Felix A. Nigro. (1994) 4th Edition.The New Public Personnel Administration. F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. 2.) Dennis L. Dresang. (1999) 3rd Edition. Public Personnel Management and Public Policy. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 3.) Library of Congress. (2000). Managing Human Resources: A Partnership Perspective. Author, Susan E. Jackson, Randall S. Schuler. 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