Saturday, June 20, 2020
Internal External Lives of Characters in The Great Gatsby vs. The Valley of Ashes East Egg - Literature Essay Samples
For characters in The Great Gatsby, rendering delusive illusions of one’s self may be fundamental to climbing social hierarchy, but compromising the tension between their painted picture and concealed canvas may be internally agonizing. From the instance of the enigmatic relationship of the Buchanan’s, to Gatsby’s antagonizing conflict with his past and Nick Carraway’s judgements, the internal and external concepts these characters carry can be compared to something as significant as the deteriorating climate of the Valley of Ashes versus the opulent lifestyle of the East Egg. When reviewing the exclusive relationship of the Buchanan’s, it becomes transparent that Daisy reconditions herself to adapt to the proliferating needs of a wealthy woman accompanying the roaring twenties. A woman who once gazed at her spouse with â€Å"unfathomable delight†appears locked into the relationship by her monetary greed for Tom Buchanan’s extravagant â€Å"pomp and circumstances†whilst experiencing little emotional intimacy towards her spouse. The conflict exists between Tom and Daisy’s marital ties in the public eye, versus suggestions of underlying neglect and desperation experienced by both characters throughout the novel. The fast paced â€Å"young and rich and wild†life Tom and Daisy live together is, at first, venerated by Caraway’s narration; exhibiting the romantic visionaries of many youth in the twenties. This delusive misconception fools many, but remains a fairy-tale fable through Fitzgerald’s illustra tion of Tom’s marital infidelity. Acknowledging Tom and Myrtle’s relationship with â€Å"tense gaiety†, Daisy is clearly aware of the chronic extramarital affairs her husband busies himself in but remains blinded by her intemperance for his wealth. Furthermore, Daisy gratifies Tom’s power and his desire for egotistic superiority. After his marriage is challenged and masculine dominance begins to collapse, he is chagrined at the fact that he could simply â€Å"let Mr Nobody from Nowhere†, meaning Gatsby, embezzle his wife. This may, in fact, suggest that the relationship’s superficial appearance deviates strongly from the internal tension that both characters face similar to the comparison of the â€Å"fashionable†East Egg; where white palaces â€Å"glitter along the water†versus the â€Å"desolate†Valley of Ashes. An unparalleled depiction of the contrasting internal and external lives of characters in The Great Gatsby is Jay Gatsby himself. His â€Å"overwhelming self-absorption†leads to a powering desire of living a fictional fantasy. Once a son of â€Å"unsuccessful farm people†, he alters the image of his past to then becoming the â€Å"son of some wealthy people in the Middle West†. Perhaps, significant childhood occurrences were a reason behind this; creating an emotional hollow towards his bloodline which led to the â€Å"Platonic conception†of himself to suppress impoverished memories of the past. Conclusively, becoming a wealthy businessman possessing endless â€Å"beautiful shirts†is a conflicting external concept that contrasts significantly from Gatsby’s true past and his roots that he conceals from the public eye in an attempt to climb social hierarchy – but, ultimately failing after Daisy’s dismal rejection as he failed t o meet her standards. Similarly, the same differences that lie between Gatsby’s internal and external lives also appear in the contrast between the Valley of Ashes, where the uninhibited pursuit for wealth is pure fantasy, and the East Egg, where â€Å"marble steps†support the weight of the lonely millionaires. Nick Carraway and his supposed â€Å"inclined judgements†differ significantly from his outlying observations of the decaying social and moral concepts through Fitzgerald’s illustrations. Carraway blatantly narrates happenings of the crumbling society through instances such as labelling Tom and Daisy as â€Å"careless people†and Jordan as â€Å"incurably dishonest†. Collectively, these instances result in an image of Nick that challenge his external portrait as an innocent narrator throughout the novel and metaphorical comparison of him being â€Å"an absolute rose†. This can be compared to the supposed â€Å"lavish†lifestyles that characters from the East Egg live in, which conceal the true struggles and desperations characters live in just like those experienced in the Valley of Ashes. Furthermore, Nick’s contrasting values are exemplified when Jordan questions his validity: â€Å"I thought you were an honest, straightforward pers on†, meaning how Nick shaped himself to appear compared to his surfacing truth causes conflicting attitudes which eventually lead to the fall of his relationships with characters in the novel. The differences that lie in the Valley of Ashes and East Egg can evidently be used to compare the contrasting concepts of the internal and external lives of characters in The Great Gatsby, in instances such as the unresolvable marital issues of Tom and Daisy Buchanan’s relationship versus the picture perfect family life they live in the public eye, along with the ways in which Gatsby challenges his past and Nick’s validity when compared to his judgements throughout the novel. When collectively contrasted, it can be concluded that there is more to the external lives of characters living real-life opulence, for they are simply painted to be picture perfect for those that stand outside closed doors.
Friday, June 19, 2020
What Is a Social Topic For Essay?
What Is a Social Topic For Essay?Writing an essay may be your goal, but not if you are a student then the Social Topics for Essay topic is a perfect topic for you. The Social Topics for Essay topic will focus on the audience of the essay and the content that will be be used in the essay.You can find many Social Topics for Essay topics depending on the topic or subject that you are writing. The key to writing an essay is making sure that the contents are strong enough to make your reader's mind to stick with it. You may have heard the saying; knowledge is power.To use the Social Topics for Essay topic will help you become knowledgeable about what topics are needed for the essay. This will allow you to make the topics fit with the topic you want to discuss. You need to be familiar with the topics for your essays.Using the Social Topics for Essay topic will help you to choose the topics that you can use in your essay. This will also allow you to be familiar with the topics. The social i ssues for essay is used by many college students. It will give you a better understanding of the topics and make you more knowledgeable about the topic.It will also help you to be able to handle your social issues for essay. Many students will be searching for topics for their essays and would like to see the topics on the internet. The Internet provides you with many topics that will allow you to write on your topics and make them fit your topics.Writing about the topics will allow you to write in a short space of time. The Social Topics for Essay topic will have many topics that can be used in your essay. Many topics can be used depending on the subject matter.The topics will be divided into several different topics. Some of the topics are health, religion, technology, history, and so on. The topics can also be used as a resource for the essay.Your essay should be informative. The social topics for essay will make you able to focus on your topic and will also provide you with topi cs to use as references. You should also be able to easily communicate your opinions. The topics will help you do this.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Finding Scholarships For High School Students
HomeScholarshipsFind ScholarshipsNeed Help Finding Scholarships For High School Students?This page may contain affiliate links.Nov 11, 2019The topic of finding scholarships for high school students can be very confusing and overwhelming for students and parents alike. Most families want to know: Is it worth it to apply for scholarships? What is the difference between a merit scholarship and a private scholarship? What are the best ways to find scholarships? When should students start applying for scholarships? What should strategies should students use to increase their chances of winning more scholarships? Can parents help in the scholarship process and if so, how? Is It Worth It To Apply For Scholarships? Absolutely, but only if a student is willing to put in the work it takes to apply correctly using winning strategies and doing a bit of research before submitting any application. Scholarships are FREE money that does not have to be paid back, so learning how to strategically apply is crucial to a student’s scholarship success rate. Students who quickly write an essay without much thought will have basically no chance of winning unless there is only one applicant, which is very rare. What Is The Difference Between A Merit Scholarship and A Private Scholarship? Merit scholarships refer to award money offered by the colleges themselves. These scholarships can sometimes be automatic based on a student’s grade point average and/or standardized test score. Automatic merit scholarships do not require a separate application, as students are eligible to be considered as soon as they are accepted into the school. Other merit college scholarships are awarded based on a student’s intended major or additional factors and do require separate applications, so careful attention to detail is vital when trying to obtain merit scholarships directly from colleges. It is important to know that the amount of merit scholarship money differs greatly at each institution and doing research into which school offers the most merit money before making a college decision can have a huge impact on the cost of college for many families. Merit scholarships offered by colleges can be found under the â€Å"Financial Aid†section at each school and should be a very important part of the search for a best-fit college and the family’s ability to pay for it. For help finding colleges that offer merit scholarships, along with all the scholarship details in one place, such a deadlines, test score requirements, separate application required and more, check out our College Free Money Finder today. Private scholarships are those offered by organizations that are usually not affiliated with any college. These can range from big companies offering large scholarships, such as the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, to smaller businesses such as a local credit union offering a $500 award to students who live in the area. What Is The Best Way To Find Scholarships? There are many ways to find scholarships and students can easily get overwhelmed trying figure out where to look first. Ive narrowed down the sources into three sections: online sources, local sources, and niche sources. It is important to remember that there is no â€Å"one and done†method of applying for scholarships. Many sources should be investigated and the scholarship list built by using a combination of the following: Online Scholarship Sources Scholarship matching sites abound on the internet, so students need to be careful and prudent in how they approach locating awards found on these sites. These types of sites generally have students sign-up with their interests, abilities, potential college major, and current level in school. After sign-up, they are then emailed scholarship matches that they are encouraged to check-out and apply for It is imperative that students create a new email address dedicated solely to their scholarship work, as they will without a doubt get lots of emails that might not even pertain to their scholarship search, such as loan offers and college-related advertising. When students do sign-up for online scholarship sites, they need to fill out their profiles 100% and resist the urge to sign-up for every site they can find. I recommend Fastweb andUnigo, with a few other suggestions that can be found here. Local Scholarship Sources Local scholarships are those offered to students who live in certain areas and have less competition than bigger, nationally known awards. Students should always concentrate on local scholarships and apply for every one that they find themselves eligible for. To find local scholarships, the websites of all area high schools should be scoured and tapped into. Many high school websites list local scholarships for all students in the area and not just those who attend that particular school. There are many more sources for local scholarships, including community foundations, banks, credit unions, hospitals, law offices, civic groups, scout troops, professional organizations, clubs, and restaurants, to name a few. Reading the local newspaper is also a great way to find out what scholarships area students are currently winning and adding them to the scholarship list to apply for when the scholarship searching student is eligible. College websites in the state in which a student resides also often list scholarships for any student in that state and not just those who are currently admitted or are planning on applying for admission. Niche Scholarship Sources Niche scholarships are awards based on a student’s talents (photography, creative writing), ethnicity, possible college major, activity (such as volunteering or playing a certain sport), attributes (having red hair), state of residence or club membership (FIRST Robotics, Scouts, Elks Club). Specific niche scholarships can be found in a number of ways. I am still a big believer in the big scholarship listing books, such as The Ultimate Scholarship Search Book because the awards are categorized in all the ways that I just listed (talents, ethnicity, major, etc.). These books can be purchased online, in bookstores, or borrowed from the local library. Doing a Google search for scholarships is a great way to find awards, but only if the search parameters are first narrowed down. For example, simply searching for â€Å"scholarships†is going to result in thousands of results that will make any scholarship searching parent or student’s head spin. Instead, the search can be specific and distinct. For example, â€Å"chemical engineering scholarships 2018 2019†or â€Å"photography scholarships for high school students 2018 2019. Adding the current and following year will greatly cut down the results that are outdated or no longer offered. As with any scholarship, the guidelines and directions for niche scholarships need to be carefully read before students apply. When a possible scholarship is found, the extra step must be taken to double-check that the deadline, eligibility, and required materials have not changed since the scholarship source was published. When Should Students Start Applying For Scholarships In High School? There are scholarships offered for all levels of students, from elementary school to graduate students, so the time is right now, no matter how old the student is. I like to advise parents to become familiar with the scholarship process when their students are in middle school, but there are many scholarship prep actions that can be taken even earlier to increase a student’s chances of winning scholarships when they are ready to apply. Learn more about pre-scholarship prep here. What Are Some Scholarships For High School Students? Heres a sample list of scholarships that high school students can apply for, but remember to consistently look for local scholarships at your high school and near by high schools too. Writers of the Future, Science Fiction Writing Heisman High School Scholarship Stuck At The Prom Duck Tape Scholarship Active Life Scholarship To Tackle Your Weakness What Strategies Should Students Use To Increase Their Chances of Winning More Scholarships? When I helped my own sons in the scholarship process, there were definite strategies that we used to help make each application stand out and get noticed by the judges, and I am happy to share a few of them here. For every scholarship application submitted, students MUST: Follow all guidelines and directions exactly as stated for each award Make sure to include all required materials in the correct order, if specified Ensure that the student is qualified to apply Begin essays with a hook that draws in and captures the reader’s attention Label each section with the student’s name Include a scholarship or activity resume, if allowed Share detailed and personal experiences in the essay Proofread every section and have two other pairs of trusted eyes do the same Maintain a clean online presence, as scholarship judges are watching Parents and the Scholarship Process Parents can absolutely help in the scholarship process and should remember that when their students win money for college, they also win because they have fewer college expenses to figure out how to pay. That being said, parents should always avoid writing scholarship essays for their students and completely taking over the process. Having an open and honest talk about finances, the cost of college, and the amount the family can afford to contribute is extremely important. Once the discussion has taken place, students will know how much work they need to put into applying for scholarships and it will give them a clear â€Å"why†when they get stressed or frustrated with scholarship work. Developing a scholarship list is a great way for parents to assist in the scholarship process. Parents can spend time searching for awards their students qualify to apply for and organize the list into which months the scholarships are due. Email and text reminders are very helpful and using a student’s preferred way of communication will reduce the friction that often comes between student and parent. Parents can also proofread each application and essay and give helpful feedback to the student. Using these methods of finding and applying for scholarships with a teamwork approach is what helped me and my own sons when we were knee-deep in the scholarship process. Knowing we were â€Å"in this together†greatly reduced the stress on my boys and increased their scholarship success rate in a huge way. The scholarship process does not have to be overwhelming and confusing and if you are serious about reducing student debt and winning scholarship money, start now and remember, teamwork makes the dream work!
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
College Essay Evaluation Service - A Guide to Choosing the Best
College Essay Evaluation Service - A Guide to Choosing the BestWhen looking for a college essay evaluation service, it is a good idea to hire a service that has a large database of students who will be hired. This way, the service can compare students on a group basis and make recommendations as to which students are the best to hire. This is a way to ensure that you get the best service at the lowest price.The first thing you need to do when searching for an essay evaluation service is to determine how many students you want the service to analyze. This can vary depending on how big the program you are going to be looking at will be. Some programs have many students, while others only have a few hundred. This is important because it will affect how large a group of students will be included in the evaluation.After you determine the number of students you want evaluated, it is time to start looking at the various options available. You may need to find out whether or not there are an y state or federal regulations in regards to the number of students that will be evaluated. Once you know this, it is time to decide on what percentage of students you want to be involved in the process.After determining how many students you want to be involved in the process, it is time to decide on how many essays you want the essay evaluation service to evaluate. There are a variety of options that will determine how many papers you want the service to analyze. It is best to choose a high number of papers so that you will have plenty of choice.After the number of papers you need to work with has been determined, it is time to look at what types of essays you want the college essay evaluation service to analyze. There are two types of essays that can be analyzed: research papers and decision-making papers. Once again, it is important to choose a large number of papers so that you will have plenty of choices.Once you have decided on the type of papers that you want to be analyzed, it is time to look at what type of essay writing style will be best for the college essay evaluation service. There are a variety of styles and opinions that exist when it comes to writing essays. It is important to choose a style that you feel comfortable with, since this will affect the level of work that you put into the paper.Finally, it is time to choose how many pages you need the college essay evaluation service to analyze. This depends on the size of the program and the number of students involved. This also affects the cost that the service will charge you.You should choose a service that can provide you with multiple options to choose from and determine the best way to analyze your papers. By using this approach, you will end up choosing the best service possible. By doing this, you will have a large number of papers and can evaluate them yourself.
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