Friday, January 31, 2020
Registered Nurse Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Registered Nurse - Case Study Example protocols and therefore a bit uncertain and lacking in her communication with the patients, the doctors and Miss Cook. Cook has to help Miss Wolf to shed her complexes and make her an efficient member of the staff. Usually, there are two methods. One is the Chosen leadership style and the other is the Authoritative leadership style. In the former, the leader is a chosen one and therefore has to be pleasant mannered, ever ready to help, interested in staff welfare, and be able to win the goodwill of all concerned. She has to use persuasion than power, instill duty consciousness in the nurses and teach them to find happiness in doing their job well. The other method is the Authoritative leadership style. This is indicated when circumstances call for a new vision. Any unit requires a clear sense of direction in order to achieve progress. If this is the problem, the Authoritative style would be very usefull. Sometimes organizations drift without any sense of direction and on such occasions also the Authoritative style is more appropriate and relevant. This style has a special attitude. It seems to say, "Come on! Come with me! I am with you. We will shatter all problems and go ahead!" Though authoritative, the style allows the workers a lot of freedom to deploy their own methods, skills and diplomacy and even to take calculated risks up to a limit.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
threats to Families :: essays research papers
Threats to Families A force threatening today’s families in America is strictly the society in which we live. Society has become more and more of a problem. The problem seems to be universal no matter what age you are. The influences of society seems to be changing and is very debatable. Violence, music, and traditions being broken are three key factors of society threatening families in today’s day and age. Values truly come from the family you were raised in and how you, personally, were brought up. Outside influences can have a positive or negative impact on the family as a whole or as an individual member of a family. The main threatening force is violence. Not only is it in movies and T.V.shows, but now it has gotten to the point where it is displayed in schools. For example, the Columbine shooting was totally unexpected; no one seemed to know about it. There’s not much a family can do in that particular situation. No matter how much a parent discusses the dangers of violence, a child still could be tempted by outside influences. A way to prevent this type of problem is to engage in a variety of community activities all together as a family and stress the importance of family values such as love and respect to the children being raised.      Music is a key factor on influencing a family unit today. The influences of music affect children in different ways. In the 1950’s, the attitude of music was very different than it is now. The music was much more innocent. Today, children relate to each other and are setting different standards for themselves in a negative way. Kids hear explicit lyrics which then encourage some of them to get involved in sexual activity or relationships that they are not ready for because they are too young. Children should not be influenced by lyrics of words, but sadly enough it is proven that they take lyrics literally and try and imitate that individual. Not only do children listen, but they also watch and learn from elders. A threatening force are all of the young pop stars who dress inappropriately and the children, once again, try and mimic them which is a very negative concern. The only way to prevent children from being negatively influenced is to monitor what the y are watching and what type of music he or she is listening to.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Building a Supportive Vocabulary Learning Environment
To every learning curriculum, it is a fundamental requirement to provide a sustainably befitting environment at the background to ease the flow of assimilation and aid the mission accomplishment of a prolific study. Without an enabling environment, the efficiency of the learning result is significantly reduced. Though avoidable, many unrefined teachers still take with levity, the necessity of creating an environmental aura that permeates the mind of learners involved towards creating a smooth psychological linkage to understanding the vocabulary lesson (Diller & Karl, 1978).Supportive Tools Firstly, we design a befitting structural arrangement that reflects some basic expectations concerning the vocabulary to be studied, the choice of which ranks common in preference of usage (Foss & Lenzini, 1999). The pictorial representation (e. g. on the wall) enables learners to access unrestricted support; demonstrating how tongue or the entire â€Å"buccal†cavity (mouth) is expected to be positioned while a particular sound is being pronounced. The pictorial representation should equally demonstrate practical situations where each word is most appropriately in day-to-day events.In buttressing the importance of this structural or pictorial design as a supportive learning tool, researches have shown that new vocabularies are best understood by exerting a subconscious effort sequel to the first pronunciation exposure in class (Holden, et al. , 1998). The sub-consciousness is characterized with the absence of stress, sensual tension or urgency demand to study within a restricted period. The presence of pressure brings a sense of active competition among other colleagues in class.The slow learners, the average and the fast learners are the three classes of learners that must have their interest managed on the overall while determining the contextual modalities of supportive environments to be considered (Foss & Lenzini, 1999). Moreover, it is of importance to recog nize the use of student-to-student interactive class session in learning foreign vocabulary. This creates an enabling environment where learners can share and gain views from one another. This in a great sense, is a complementary learning tool to teachers own method.The teacher here, logically listen and gain from diverse ways of interaction that exist in this session of students’ group discussion. The specific style of teaching to adopt will be gotten from preponderances of events as they unfold (James L. B. , 2001) One-to-many Learning Support Scheme In this scheme, each learner on rotation is given an assignment to present a topic to other co-learners in class. Preferentially, suggestion of a multi-media projection could aid teaching. Here comes a research among students in science class, a class of 50 students was given an assignment to treat 10 topics within a course.The modality involved allotment of a topic to a group of 5 students within which they are equally expecte d to further divide the topic into sub-headings. Other remaining 45 students follow suit in their respective groupings. The examination result for this method of teaching was taken for over a period of 5 years, with the mean and mode recorded. The result showed a wide grade-gap between the first three best students and other members of the class. The mean was high but students within this range were found scanty (James L. Barker lecture, 2001).One-to-many learning scheme shows that the method could only help the confident students to perform even better at the expense of other colleagues. The other group members does belong to the same class but perhaps, limiting study to what they actually present and not bordering to probe other students’ presentation to perfect understanding from the first exposure in class. Participative/Interactive Class Session Another proposed scheme suggests a modality where members of the class have no formal presentation for others to listen.But rat her, everyone prepares for the task ahead of the class and involve in a general discuss. All opinions are accommodated by the supervision of a tutor in charge. In furtherance to the earlier research for another five years, findings were taken from another set of 50 students with different learning environmental supportive modality. In this scheme, no student is expected to teach the other colleague but rather each student contributes one after the other to the pending discussion on the vocabulary lesson.In this way, the teacher set the ball rolling by introducing the topic and secondly in guiding against shifting of focus to irrelevancies. The reciprocal interactions give a supportive environment that deposit in each student a personal sense of meeting the huge challenge to perform up to expectations among peers (Kinsella, K. , 1995). The result of the later five years shows students having a higher mean gradient. The mode was slightly reduced, an indication pointing that only minor ity members of the class understand on the average with one-to-many learning support.Conclusion When discussing vocabulary skills, some basic essentialities are necessary; a listening, speaking, reading and writing acts. Other recently identified skills include description, narrating and summarizing skills among others. All supportive environments must focus on ensuring these necessities. Having an enabling environment in assisting the students reading culture is most important especially when learning an unfamiliar vocabulary, hence, the derivative of interactive study guide is just a perfect one to make learners actively involved.Findings had also shown that students usually get frustrated over time if encouragement and assistance are not near. Conclusively, teacher could equally assist in instilling the culture of reading; this is the strongest individual tool. References Diller, Karl Conrad (1978). The Language Teaching Controversy. Rowley, Massachusetts: Newbury House. Foss, C. R. , P. , & Lenzini, J. J. (1999). Textual and pictorial glosses: Effectiveness on incidental vocabulary growth when reading in a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 32 (1), 89-113.Holden, Susan; Mickey Rodgers (1998). English language teaching. Mexico City: DELTI. James L. Barker lecture on November 8th 2001 at Brigham Young University. Kinsella, K. (1995). Understanding and empowering diverse learners in ESL classroom. In M. J. Reid (Ed. ), Learning styles in the ESL/EFL classroom (pp. 70-86). Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Koda, K. (1997). Orthographic knowledge in L2 lexical processing: A cross-linguistic perspective. In J. Coady & T. Huckins (Eds. ), Second language vocabulary acquisition (pp. 35-52). New York: Cambridge Universit
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Economic Crisis Of The Financial Systems Within...
Task 1 The economic crisis which erupted from the financial systems within developed countries affected all economies across the world. There was a significant amount of job losses, company bankruptcies and cuts in incomes and budgets (McKibben, Stockel 2009). Companies were focusing on sales growth which took urgency over most workplace including learning and development and many trying to decide what was important in terms of return on investment (Dullien et al 2010). Training and development was an easy target and one of the first aspects to be cut; some may argue that this is not the most effective resolution. There is evidence that suggests training and development is a tool which contributes positively to an organisations performance within the economic downturn (Brum 2010). Companies want to save money; it is a time when they are not expecting to recruit new staff and apprentices need new training. This approach leaves businesses without skilled people required for when the economic circumstances pick up. As suggest by Bosch (2010) investing in your people during a recession enhances the preparedness for recovery. However, in an article posted by Lucy Ellaway for financial times, it stated all management training courses are to be banned in a downturn (Financial times 2009). It is important to maintain investment in training and development because it can contribute to customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and people performance as stated by Apospori (2008)Show MoreRelatedMonetary System Crisis: A Policy Memo848 Words  | 3 PagesTO: Dr. Clark FROM: I.M. Student RE: Monetary System Crisis Dr. Clark: I am writing this brief policy memo in regard to the recent monetary crisis involving certain European countries, namely Greece and Spain. The focal organization handling the issue is the EU (European Union). 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