Monday, December 30, 2019
Brasil Foods Case Study Essay - 3470 Words
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Brazil is the largest country in Latin America and the fifth in the world. Brazils economy is the most powerful in the region and has a significant impact on world markets due to highly developed agriculture, mining manufacturing and services economic sectors. Brazil is the worlds largest producer of coffee and sugar cane, and one of the largest exporters of agricultural products (Business Monitor International (BMI), 2011 1st Q, pp.47-48). This assignment is about Brasil Foods, the largest Brazilian producer of meat and dairy. Today it has leading position in almost all its domestic sectors and strengthening its presence on the global market due to its potential. The globalization provides company many†¦show more content†¦3.1.3. TELECOMMUNICATIONS IHS Global Insight (2012, p27) distinguishes telecommunications sector in Brazil as one of the leading service sectors. The Brazilian telecommunications market is one of the most attractive markets for investors. In March 2011, there was considerable growth in broadband subscriptions in Brazil, reaching 51.5% growth (Business Monitor International, 2011 4th Q, p.41) 3.1.4. AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR Automotive sector of Brazil accounts about 10% of countries export. The production capacity of country is high as in 1990s there was an enormous amount of automakers’ investments. In the result, dozens of new plants were built; it made Brazil the largest South American vehicle market (IHS Global Insight, 2012, p. 27). 3.2. WEAKNESSES Transport in Brazil is developed unevenly; railways are mainly in the east. Sea transportation plays crucial role in the development of Brazilian international trade relations. BMI points on significant losses in production growth that are caused by problems with transportation products to the ports. In example, because of insufficient transportation of sugar for export, Brazil was unable to face the demand growth on sugar as there was massive ports congestion that caused delays for 40 days. Moreover, the second largest Brazilian port was closed due to problems with license (Business MonitorShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Surrounding Aspartame And Its Effect On The Nervous System1031 Words  | 5 Pagesquantities methanol can cause blindness, among other problems. This fact has been known since the approval of aspartame in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the amount of methanol present in the aspartame is very small to cause any damage to the bod y. Therefore, the consumption of aspartame is considered safe in my country, Brasil, within the limits established by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), which is 40 mg per kg of body weight per day. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen - 1712 Words
In Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll House, Nora Helmer represents many feministic ideals of the late eighteen hundreds. The ending is often what the play as a whole is remembered by, due to its shocking nature. Nora, the female lead of the play decides to leave her home suddenly, after a confrontation with her husband Torvald and never returns. Many saw this as a huge decision that was made abruptly, however what they fail to notice are the aspects that motivated Nora from the start of the play. At first, Nora may seem as if she is just a mindless, care free woman who is content with her life. Nevertheless, Nora Helmer is truly a strong willed individual who becomes aware of her underappreciated and overlooked potential. The limitations that†¦show more content†¦The role of a male was superior at this time, and women followed the direction of their husbands without question. Nora disobeys Torvald in little ways when she eats macaroons against Torvald’s wishes. She e ven swears out loud in front of guests stating, â€Å"It’s something I have such a consuming desire to say so Torvald can hear†(Ibsen 1677). This is where the audience catches a glimpse of Nora’s desire to go against Torvald and their entire society. The way Nora conceals how she is feeling inside is displayed more thoroughly in the film adaptation of the play, A Doll’s House, directed by Patrick Garland. Claire Bloom does an excellent job of portraying Nora as a human being with all of her various traits. Claire Bloom was able to show on film the flirtatious and happy version of Nora that made the impact of the ending so much more shocking. Throughout this film version, Nora’s character is smiling and a bit ditzy but no unhappiness could even be heard in her voice. Patrick Garland chose Mrs. Bloom to play Nora because she was able to portray the essential act that Nora put on for the people in her life. This is essential to see how society changed Nora and it makes her confrontation at the end a lot more powerful and understandable. The movie depicted Nora’s emotions both throughout the play as well as at the ending in a way that made it realistic and not overdone. Nora is one of many women who were influenced by the pressure of social standards. A Doll House isShow MoreRelatedA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen901 Words  | 4 PagesA Doll House showcases the harsh reality and truth of someone being something that they are not, and it shows the journey that Nora Helmer has to take to realize what she wants in life to find the real her. Throughout the play A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, we learn about the main character and her qualities. Nora Helmer is the wife of Torvald Helmer, who became very unhealthy. By trying to help her husband’s health, Nora begins going into debt and commits a criminal offense, forgery; she does allRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen Essay1787 Words  | 8 Pagesthe importance of divine or supernatural matters. Humanism is often mistaken for feminism which is one of the major controversies of A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen. The idea of humanism becomes apparent through Nora’s interactions with Torvald, To rvald’s interactions with Nora, and Torvald’s interactions with other characters in the play. Many argue that A Doll House, is a feminist play due to its portrayal of the characters which emphasized many values of feminism, but in actuality the play addressesRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen901 Words  | 4 PagesA Doll House The play A Doll House written by Henrik Ibsen has strong symbolisms such as the doll house, Christmas tree, macaroons, and New Year’s day that help outline the theme. The author uses symbolisms to pull his audience in and allow them to feel the full effect of inequality and emotional abuse men gave women in the year of 1879, when Ibsen wrote this play. The first symbolism in this play is the Christmas tree which represents Nora’s inner state of mind. In Act 2 the stage directions describeRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen850 Words  | 4 PagesA Doll House was written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879. There are two woman in the play, Nora and Mrs. Linde who have some differences, but also share some similarities. Nora is married to Torvald Helmer, they have three children together. Miss. Linde is a widow an took care of her younger siblings and her now deceased mother. Nora and Mrs. Linde are different in the way they have lived the past couple of years and how at the end of act three they are changing their lifestyles by either going from independentRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen1194 Words  | 5 Pagesas around the world, in the late 1870’s. Henrik Ibsen’s 1879 play, â€Å"A Doll House,†demonstrates how women wore a faà §ade in society when dealing with men, through the main character Nora. I n the play â€Å"A Doll House†, the reader can have an idea on how some men in the late 1870s in Norway act towards women. After the people of Norway read and viewed the play, there was a lot of controversy over â€Å"A Doll House†, because of the main character Nora decisions. Ibsen himself stated that â€Å"for him the issue wasRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen932 Words  | 4 PagesIn Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House, a drama play, which takes place in Elmer’s house. It takes place during winter which begins when Nora enters through the door. In A Doll House, I believe the inciting incident is Torvalds promotion at the bank. They never have to worry about money again. Nora’s old friend, Mrs. Christine Linde, who is in need of help comes to visit Nora and ask for help. Torvald gives her a job. You also have Dr.Rank , who is a family friend who is slowly dying of tuberculosis. ThingsRead MoreA Doll House by Henrik Ibsen564 Words  | 2 Page sâ€Å"Forgery. Do you have any idea what that means†(1745), Torvald questions his wife Nora in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House (1879). In this play, Henrik Ibsen features individuals struggling for an authentic identity. The story focuses on an unspoken matter. Nora Helmer secretly borrowed a large sum of money for the sake of her husband’s, Torvald Helmer’s, life. Nora has never revealed the loan to Torvald and has been privately paying it off with her household allowance. When Torvald is appointed as bankRead MoreThe Doll House by Henrik Ibsen1215 Words  | 5 PagesTHE DOLL HOUSE The Society above Individual Freedom or The Suppression of the Woman The author Henrik Ibsen used the play to elaborate on the irony of the 19th century culture of restriction of individual freedom and excessive adherence to ‘societal norm’ at all cost without paying attention or having recourse to the core values and norms that brings about individual happiness and freedom. Torvald Helmer tried to elucidate the abnormality of seeking individual freedom instead of societal norm whenRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen Essay1557 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"A Doll House†In the play â€Å"A Doll House†by Henrik Ibsen the story focuses on the gender differences between a man and woman. One way Ibsen display feminism in A Doll House is through the relationship of the two main characters Torvald and his wife Nora. Nora and Torvald to have the perfect life, however behind closed doors it isn’t as it seems. The play begins with a happily married couple and ends with a woman wanting to be her own human being. Nora has been treated like child throughout theRead MoreA Doll House By Henrik Ibsen1695 Words  | 7 Pages Nora Helmer is a very dynamic character, who goes through a complete transformation in the play, A Doll House. Her transformation is what makes the story interesting and gives someone hope to change their lives in a positive way, even if society tells them that they should only play a limited role in their own lives. Although Nora’s path to self-discovery is not a linear process, she ultimately reaches a new state o f being that will serve her better in life. She eventually sees her limited role
Friday, December 13, 2019
Digital Fortress Chapter 17 Free Essays
David Becker stepped out onto the scorching tile concourse of Plaza de Espana. Before him, El Ayunta miento-the ancient city council building-rose from the trees on a three-acre bed of blue and white azulejo tiles. Its Arabic spires and carved facade gave the impression it had been intended more as a palace than a public office. We will write a custom essay sample on Digital Fortress Chapter 17 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Despite its history of military coups, fires, and public hangings, most tourists visited because the local brochures plugged it as the English military headquarters in the film Lawrence of Arabia. It had been far cheaper for Columbia Pictures to film in Spain than in Egypt, and the Moorish influence on Seville’s architecture was enough to convince moviegoers they were looking at Cairo. Becker reset his Seiko for local time: 9:10 p.m.-still afternoon by local standards; a proper Spaniard never ate dinner before sunset, and the lazy Andalusian sun seldom surrendered the skies before ten. Even in the early-evening heat, Becker found himself walking across the park at a brisk clip. Strathmore’s tone had sounded a lot more urgent this time than it had that morning. His new orders left no room for misinterpretation: Find the Canadian, get the ring. Do whatever is necessary, just get that ring. Becker wondered what could possibly be so important about a ring with lettering all over it. Strathmore hadn’t offered, and Becker hadn’t asked. NSA, he thought. Never Say Anything. On the other side of Avenida Isabela Catolica, the clinic was clearly visible-the universal symbol of a red cross in a white circle painted on the roof. The Guardia officer had dropped the Canadian off hours ago. Broken wrist, bumped head-no doubt the patient had been treated and discharged by now. Becker just hoped the clinic had discharge information-a local hotel or phone number where the man could be reached. With a little luck, Becker figured he could find the Canadian, get the ring, and be on his way home without any more complications. Strathmore had told Becker, â€Å"Use the ten thousand cash to buy the ring if you have to. I’ll reimburse you.†â€Å"That’s not necessary,†Becker had replied. He’d intended to return the money anyway. He hadn’t gone to Spain for money, he’d gone for Susan. Commander Trevor Strathmore was Susan’s mentor and guardian. Susan owed him a lot; a one-day errand was the least Becker could do. Unfortunately, things this morning hadn’t gone quite as Becker had planned. He’d hoped to call Susan from the plane and explain everything. He considered having the pilot radio Strathmore so he could pass along a message but was hesitant to involve the deputy director in his romantic problems. Three times Becker had tried to call Susan himself-first from a defunct cellular on board the jet, next from a pay phone at the airport, then again from the morgue. Susan was not in. David wondered where she could be. He’d gotten her answering machine but had not left a message; what he wanted to say was not a message for an answering machine. As he approached the road, he spotted a phone booth near the park entrance. He jogged over, snatched up the receiver, and used his phone card to place the call. There was a long pause as the number connected. Finally it began to ring. Come on. Be there. After five rings the call connected. â€Å"Hi. This is Susan Fletcher. Sorry I’m not in right now, but if you leave your name†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Becker listened to the message. Where is she? By now Susan would be panicked. He wondered if maybe she’d gone to Stone Manor without him. There was a beep. â€Å"Hi. It’s David.†He paused, unsure what to say. One of the things he hated about answering machines was that if you stopped to think, they cut you off. â€Å"Sorry I didn’t call,†he blurted just in time. He wondered if he should tell her what was going on. He thought better of it. â€Å"Call Commander Strathmore. He’ll explain everything.†Becker’s heart was pounding. This is absurd, he thought. â€Å"I love you,†he added quickly and hung up. Becker waited for some traffic to pass on Avenida Borbolla. He thought about how Susan undoubtedly would have assumed the worst; it was unlike him not to call when he’d promised to. Becker stepped out onto the four-lane boulevard. â€Å"In and out,†he whispered to himself. â€Å"In and out.†He was too preoccupied to see the man in wire-rim glasses watching from across the street. How to cite Digital Fortress Chapter 17, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Principles of Morals and Legislation
Question: Discuss about the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Answer: Introduction: Wayne Davidson is a software engineer with a firm named Occidental engineering, he is currently working in the aerospace division of the company. The company has won a contract from the federal aviation Agency for building software for the traffic control system. As this one was a crucial contract for the company, they have created a bid for the project. As the company was facing some issues related to the finance and works so this project was considered as one of the most important projects for the company. At starting the company got a deadline under which the software must be building and tested for the deployment. As the company was not in a condition to miss the deadline or recruit new peoples for the project so they worked extensively on the project and created the software before the deadline. At the time of the testing, the team has found some bugs in the software which has affected the overall function of the software. The project engineer of the company Wayne Davidson has c ontacted project manager Deborah for an extension. The request got declined by the project manager as it was impossible to miss the deadline of the project. This can impact the image of the company and the further contract could get affected by these moves. Wayne approached with a solution for the software bug which was found by the testers. The engineer has planned to do a patch coding which could help in fixing the bug found in the software (McFarland, 2016). Deborah declined this approach as the manager was not willing to deliver a loosely tested and build software to the Federal aviation Agency. This was under the code of conducts of the company and the service manual of the company. Manager Deborah has provided an extension of days to the project team so that they can fix the problem associated with the project as fixing the bug will require recoding, testing and this will require an extension of 1 months. The whole situation comes into a critical situation where the corporate ethics and code of conducts are needed to access. Ethical Dilemma: The story of the Wayne Davidson and the Occidental engineering illustrates different important points about the ethics of the work. As we know ethics is considered as Normality, it is about taking judgment based upon the standard which is right and which is wrong in some perspective. In the case study, Wayne and Deborah are arguing whether they should release the software to the FAA or they should not release the software. The discussion and the scenario are not about it but it is about selecting an ethical approach to a problem which has occurred in the organization. Wayne as well as Deborah is trying to choose the action which should be right as per the circumstances (McFarland, 2016). The judgment of the team is based upon certain standard and principles for evaluating behaviors. At a case when Wayne tells Deborah that he cant lie to the agency regarding the project as he doesn't want to deliver a bug affected software to the agency. In the case of Wayne, he is following the princ iple which supports this action. He can not make a statement which is untrue, this is the principle Wayne is following. In another case, Deborah is responsible for the welfare of the company and the peoples working on the projects. This is her principle duty to take care of the company needs and employees without harming anyone. There could be uncertainty and conflict within a company related to the decision and principles. As Deborah as well as Wayne is following a set of principles and duties regarding their works but none of them has ignored the safety concern of the peoples. The ethical behavior of two peoples generally describes all the required and assumed things (Quinn Seattle, 2014), (Bowman, 1994). Course of Action: In the case of these Ethical dilemma, Engineer Wayne and Project manager Deborah must select the steps which are as per the Guideline of the company and code of conducts (Kaptein, 2013). These are some of the steps which could be applied during ethical dilemma in the organization. Deborah and Wayne must address the concerns with the team related with the software. In other case they should interact with the FAA officials for a extension in the deadline of the project. Overall they must ensure the safety and law protocol of the aviation agency so that can so that the public interest needs to be addressed perfectly (OBrochta,2016). Potential consequences to the project client of accepting this aggressive bid: As a company, Occidental engineering has won the contract for this project because the aerospace division of the company was in financial trouble and out of projects at a time. This could be considered as a good opportunity to them. The software developed by the company has reported some bugs which may impact the proper functionality of the whole Operation. If the client company FAA accepts the aggressive bids there may be following consequences; The software has some problems in the coding and the testing of the software. In the case of overload, the software may miss a flight and each anti-collision equipment may not look over the flight. This can lead to an accident in the airport. Any kind of accident due to the software bug may become a subject of an investigation by the Government agencies and ultimately the project manager of the client company ay face trouble. The service company Occidental engineering may face some legal trouble or fine because of their faulty products. Risk of suffering as a result of this aggressive bid: If the project software gets accepted by the Federal aviation agency, there are chances that the contract company may face some trouble as they have created and tested the product and lied about the accuracy and the bug problem in the software. The project manager of the company Deborah, engineer of the company Wayne Davidson and other team members could face a fine of some sort of legal action from the government. If any kind of accident occurs in the case of the software failure the air traveler may get affected because they may be flying in the flight which went missing in the software and avoided all anti-collision equipment (William, 2016). ACS Codes: According to the ACS code of professional conduct , there are six primary values, which are needed to be followed by each member of the company or organization. They must uphold and advance the honor, dignity, and effectiveness of being a professional. Apart from this they must uphold their duties as a citizen of the country and act as a responsible citizen of the country. There is 6 code of conducts of the ACS, The Primacy of the Public Interest: The concerns related to the public should be kept in the first place as they are the primary stakeholder and their safety and interest should be above personal, business and other interests. The Enhancement of Quality of Life: A personnel must work towards enhancing the life of a person who is affected by the work. Honesty- Honesty should be considered as the best policy towards the works and the overall approach of the worker. Competence- A worker must work competently and diligently for the peoples who are directly or indirectly affected by his works. The professional Development-Each worker must work towards Professional development, they need to take a different approach towards improving the professional abilities. Professionalism- Each one should show professionalism. This is the code described by ACS. Each member needs to follow these codes for successfully. As per the policies of the ACS in the case of conflict between organizational peoples regarding any kind of project, the public interest and safety must be considered as the primary factor (ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society, 2014). Duties: In the case of project delivery after 3 days, there are some duties of the project manager and the engineer, Project manager: The project manager must ensure that the working team is perfectly and completely involved with the project and they will deliver the completed project on time. The testing of the software project should be under the surveillance of the project manager so; the project manager must ensure that he is engaging himself in the project. Duties of Engineer: An engineer is responsible for the Development and testing of the software to the client. In the case of 3 days before delivery, a project engineer has following duties, 1. An engineer must ensure that the project is working as per the requirement of the client. 2. He must ensure that the project is successfully completed and checked. He will determine the possibilities of failures and how he can solve the issues (Weick, 1995). Conclusion: The report is based on the case study of Wayne Davidson and Project manager Deborah, which was written by Michael McFarland, S.J. The case study gives an insight into the ethical behavior and dilemma within an organization and the conflicts. The report address this case to describe the ethical measure in a company, the case which was described in the story defined different dimensions of the ethical behavior in an organization. The report perfectly describes the ethical issues related to the case study and what principle they are following in the organization. I have described the ACS code of conducts which provide a way to the peoples to face ethical issues inside the organization. I have listed and described 6 different ethical codes which are proposed by the ACS. The duty of a project manager and an Engineer before 3 days of project delivery is also described. Reference: McFarland, M. (2016).Occidental engineering case study: Part 1. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from Quinn, M. J., Seattle (2014).Ethics for the information age: 6th edition(6th ed.). United States: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society. Retrieved August 30, 2016, from Bentham, J. (1981).An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. New York: Garland Pub Kaptein, M. (Ed.). (2013).Workplace morality: Behavioral ethics in organizations. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing. Bowman (1994).Ethical frontiers in public management: Seeking new strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.,U.S. Benn, P. (1997).Ethics (fundamentals of philosophy). London: Taylor Francis. Weick, K. E. (1995).Sensemaking in organizations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Mascia, A. (2014). Project manager: Leader, influencer e conflict manager.PROJECT MANAGER (IL)1923. doi:10.3280/pm2014-020007 William, M. (2016).BASF Ireland - home. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from OBrochta, M., Ethics in Project Management Retrieved August 31, 2016, from
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